Ye, gads!

Nov 19, 2008 11:28

... I go out of town for 3 days (after not taking off more than like 1/2 a day in forever), and come back to around a 500% increase in my billing workload! Uhm, yay job security, I guess, but it feels like I haven't had much free time in over a week... *sigh*

... Travel-wise, the trip to Miami went well. For my mom's piece of mind, the travel time both way was not the 12 hours I told her; I most definitely clocked in under 10 hours both ways. I haven't done day trips like that in years. I feel guilty in stating that not having Theo along made the long drive more enjoyable...

... As for my dad, scattering of his ashes went off as planned (relatively nice day, a little choppy, a little windy, but I think he would have liked it), and though it helped with closure, it didn't have the impact on me that I expected. I know he's dead, and I've gotten a better handle of that, allowed myself to grieve before this trip, and I miss him terribly, but it has finally dawned on me that he's not really gone. I feel his influence every time I think about my interactions with Theo. I see him in my brother; I can even see him in Theo. I'm trying to focus on all the good these reminders mean to me; I just wish it were easier on my mom. The woman holds herself together by shear force of will, and only rarely can you catch the depth of her despair. She has an inner strength that I don't think I'll ever come close to matching, and that I've rarely, if ever, seen in anyone else. I wish I could do more for her, but unfortunately, my personal plate is very full right now, as is my brother's, since he recently married...

... Next up, the prayers that were read when dad was released into the Atlantic. Can't say I hold much belief in the religious concepts I was brought up in, but it's comforting to think of him as off in a better place:

A L Dios Todopoderoso encomendamos el alma de nuestro difunto hermano, y entregamos su cuerpo a las, profundidades, en esperanza segura y cierta de la Resurrección a la vida eterna, mediante nuestro Señor Jesucristo; a cuya venida en gloriosa majestad para juzgar al mundo, el mar dará sus muertos y los cuerpos corruptibles de los que duermen en El, serán transformados y hechos semej antes a su glorioso cuerpo; según la obra poderosa por la cual puede sujetar a si mismo todas las cosas.

A L Almighty God we entrust the soul of our late brother, and his body to deliver, depths, in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, whose coming in glorious majesty to judge the world, the sea will give their dead and the corruptible bodies of those who sleep in Him, shall be processed and made resembles prior to his glorious body, according to the mighty works through which he can restrain himself all things.

... And on the domestic front, Ashley and I attempted a sit down to talk after I got back. I failed miserably at keeping my cool, and she was mature enough to walk away before it got ugly. Other than that, we haven't been doing too bad a job at getting along in order to keep each other informed of what's going on with Theo. He still seems genuinely surprised when I bring up things he doesn't believe I should know, and I remind him mommy and I talk about him all the time, just to keep him on his toes. Last thing either of us want is him figuring out ways to manipulate us, which I'm sure he could pull off, if given half a chance...
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