Who wants to Beta a HUGE fic?

Sep 26, 2009 11:36

Like, seriously novel length.

Echoes just passed 93,000 words, and I'm positive I'm going to go over 100,000 before I'm done.  It's a monster.  I have a beta through the Big_Bang, but she's a student, and has other things to do with her time.  She's had the first 11 chapters (the ones I've already posted) since June, and we still haven't finished up that part yet.  I've more than doubled it since then.  She's lovely, and she's doing a great job for me, but her time is pretty limited and I'd like to get as much of it up as possible for the Big_Bang (I'm going to try to post in the last week, which technically gives me/us until Dec. 5).

Anyways,  I won't have a completed first draft by the 10/1 deadline, but I'll have a huge chunk, and be able to hand over a pretty detailed outline describing the rest.  I've also written up a document explaining how the mythology of Echoes works.

I'm looking for someone to:

1) Read through the whole monster and make sure that it generally hangs together and makes sense.  (i.e. - no dangling plot threads and no plots that come out of nowhere and make no sense.)

2) Make sure I'm being true to my characters.

3) Check my grammer and the spelling of all the not-real words that are part of the BSG universe.

So...  Yeah.  It's overwhelming, and it's possible that I'm trying to tell too much story (if you take this on, you also get to put me on a leash/in blinders if that's the case).

If you're interested, let me know.  If I haven't heard from any of you by mid-ish day Monday, I'll probably post the request over in the Big_Bang community, and if that doesn't pan out I'll finish up what I can with the beta I have now.  But this story WILL get posted.  Eventually.

bsg, beta, echoes, big_bang

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