DW Fic: A Single Afternoon

Oct 23, 2011 22:36

Fandom: Doctor Who
Title:  A Single Afternoon
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2,068
Setting/spoilers:  Set after 6x00 A Christmas Carol
Author's Notes: Special thanks to luckylau85 for the beta.  Written for my sister who's away at college and wanting mail, lol.  Her prompt words will be at the end of the fic.  ;)
Summary:  After their near death experience, Rory and Amy want a quiet place to enjoy their honeymoon.  Of course, not everything goes to plan.

A Single Afternoon

"So, Amy, Rory, where to next?" The Doctor grinned at them from his position at the console.

"Amy and I were talking, and we think that we'd like to steer clear of any near death situations. At least for a while," Rory added hurriedly. "I know sometimes it's unavoidable but this time we'd like to...avoid them."

Amy rolled her eyes. "What he's trying to say is that while the spaceship that almost exploded on Christmas was fun--"

"Well, before the spaceship almost exploded was fun."

"--we'd like to try something less...dramatic."

"Less dramatic?" the Doctor said, offended. "It's your honeymoon! One of the best celebrations in a human life and you want it to be less dramatic?"

"Less dramatic and more romantic? Is that too much to ask?"

"Amy Pond...I just don't know what to do with you," the Doctor grumbled. "I suppose you'll want to go somewhere boring then? Back to Leadworth is it?"

"Absolutely not," Rory responded quickly. "We just want to go somewhere...quiet. We certainly don't want to go home...yet."

"Yeah, what he said."

The Doctor blew out a breath and closed his eyes in exasperation. "All of time and space," he grumbled, "and they want to go somewhere quiet and boring." A moment later his eyes snapped open. "Fine, you two grab the basket by the kitchen door and I'll find somewhere for you two to be…romantic and I’ll go sneak off and work on some long overdue botany or something."

"You do botany?" Rory asked, surprised.

Amy punched his arm, "Don't get him started!"

“Of course I do botany! I have a finger in every pie, Rory Pond.”

Rory rolled his eyes and allowed Amy to drag him out of the console room before he could think of a proper response.

The Doctor watched the two of them go and ran a hand through his hair, thinking. There had to be a planet that wasn't in the middle of a civil war or about to have a natural disaster. Yet it had to be beautiful and romantic enough to appease Amy. And quiet enough to keep Rory the Roman at bay.

He flicked a few switches then changed his mind and flipped them back. Maybe....

Decision made, he set a destination and landed the TARDIS before the Ponds returned with the basket. He was digging around in a wooden chest looking for a butterfly net and other sundries when they came in.

"What's in this basket?" Rory huffed. "It's very heavy. But I can totally handle it," he quickly added when he saw the look on Amy's face.

"What do you think is in the basket?"

"I don't know," Rory responded, "that's why I asked."

"Well, I guess you're not going to find out until you find a good spot and set it down. Outside. Not in the TARDIS. If you did it in here then it would defeat the purpose, don't you agree?"

"Where are we?" Amy asked. She never lost the excitement of opening the doors to a new world.

"Step outside and you'll see. Nothing overly dangerous unless you have a problem with miniature orange, polka-dotted horses or should they be called ponies? Never mind. If you hear the sound of tiny hooves then it's probably time to pack up and come home. Or at least pack up."

"Pack up what?" Rory asked.

"Whatever is in the basket of course. Now off you go, find a spot, mind the hooves, and come back when you're done. I'll...gather something. Or tinker. I like a good tinker."

“Now, you’re not going to take off without us and leave us stranded with tiny horses are you?” Amy asked, wrinkling her nose.

“Amelia Pond,” the Doctor said, affronted, “who do you take me for? Now go before I change my mind and set us in the middle of a World War.”

She tossed her hair and marched up to the TARDIS door, pausing only to kiss Rory on the cheek before flinging it open.

The sight took her breath away. “That’s…that’s just…”

“…beautiful,” Rory finished.

A path stretched out before them lined with trees on either side covered with orange, red, and yellow leaves. The sun was shining brightly through the leaves that still clung to the trees as if trying to make up for the slight chilly breeze. The forest seemed warm and inviting as the Ponds stepped out of the TARDIS. It was quiet and the trees almost glowed in the afternoon sunlight.

“So…” Rory breathed, “…shall we go on the path or be more adventurous?”

Amy cocked an eyebrow at him, “Weren’t we trying to avoid too much adventure?”


The Doctor appeared in the doorway behind them. “It’ll be cold when the sun sets, so once it starts getting dark you should probably come back. Also, you’re going to need this,” he dumped a plaid blanket into Amy’s arms. “Now mind the mini ponies and don’t wander off. Well, wander off, but don’t go too far.” And with that he shut the door of the TARDIS and continued the search for his botany supplies.

“Well, shall we get going, husband?” Amy asked, playfully bumping into him.

Rory grinned at her, “I love it when you call me that. And yes, but let’s not go too far. This basket is loaded with bricks or something.”

She drew close to him and gently released the basket from his grasp so it would rest on the forest floor. “Well, we’ll just have to take breaks then, won’t we?” With a mischievous gleam in her eyes, Amy kissed him soundly on the lips.

“Okay,” Rory responded.

The Doctor waited ten minutes before he ventured out of the TARDIS. In one hand he held the butterfly net and in the other a small briefcase for samples. He admired the view for a moment before setting off in the opposite direction that Amy & Rory took. He paused to look at a cluster of mushrooms before continuing, whistling as he went.

Hours later, Rory dozed on the blanket with Amy’s head on his shoulder. They’d had a lovely picnic lunch filled with tasty fall treats like tart apples. After packing away all the food, they’d stretched out on the blanket and watched the clouds lazily drift past. Somewhere in the conversation Rory had fallen into a contented sleep. And he stayed in that state until he awoke with a start.

He lifted his head off the blanket and felt around for Amy, but found only cold, empty space. “Amy?” he called out, feeling as though his throat were coated in sandpaper.

No reply came from the forest. In fact, everything had gone still and quiet and dusk was starting to fall. A solitary leaf drifted lazily to the ground as he fought to gather his wits.

“Amy?” he yelled again, anxiety clutching at his heart. He scrambled to his feet and studied the forest, looking for some clue of his wife. Nothing.

Pushing down panic, he gathered up the blanket and basket and began almost running back to the TARDIS. Maybe Amy had gone back for something?

He reached the blue box in record time and found the Doctor sitting outside the doors sorting through samples he’d collected.

“Hullo Rory,” the Doctor said, not looking up from his samples. “Did you see this flower today? It’s marvelous! Just look at the cell structure…”

“Doctor,” Rory panted, dropping the basket, “have you seen Amy?”

“Why would I see Amy? She was with you the whole afternoon, not me,” the Doctor sniffed while fiddling with a magnifying glass.

“Well she’s not with me now! I fell asleep and when I woke up she was gone!”

“Gone?” the Doctor looked up. “You fell asleep? Didn’t you listen to a word I said? Beware of tiny hooves, I said, but did you listen? No. Nobody listens to me.”

“Doctor! Where is Amy?”

“I suspect she was taken by the tiny people who ride the miniature orange polka-dotted ponies. Human beings…you never listen to my warnings.”

“But--” Rory spluttered, “--you never said they were dangerous. This planet was supposed to be safe!”

“It is safe,” the Doctor exclaimed, affronted. “Of course it is. Amy won’t be harmed. They’re not a violent race. Just very…curious. Give it a few days and she’ll be back right as rain. Not that rain can be right or wrong…it pretty much goes and does whatever it wants. Regardless, she’ll be fine.”

Rory stared at him. “So we’re just going to do nothing while my wife is held captive by leprechauns?”

“They’re not leprechauns, they’re completely different. And yes. We can’t find them, they blend right into their surroundings and she’ll come back of her own accord soon enough.”

Silently fuming, Rory just glared at him. The Doctor stared right back at him, flower and magnifying glass still clutched in either hand. The standoff lasted for several moments until a stifled giggle broke the silence.

A moment later, Amy appeared from behind the TARDIS. She grasped Rory’s hand and gave it a squeeze before letting out another giggle. “Really? Taken by leprechauns? As if they could handle a Scot like me. Seriously though, leprechauns are totally rubbish.”

Rory stared at her, hovering between rage and elation. “Where were you?” he asked in a pained voice.

“You fell asleep and a porcupine…thing found us and I didn’t want to wake you. So I lured it away with some bits of sandwich and got turned around in the woods. Must have wandered for an hour or so and somehow found my way to this side of the TARDIS.” She made a face at the Doctor. “Never did see any of those tiny horses so I believe you’re making that part up, am I right?”

“Oh Amy,” he said, shaking his head, “as if.”

Relief won out and Rory drew her into a hug. “Don’t ever do that again,” he whispered into her hair. “If something happens, I want to face it together.”

She nodded, “Of course. We’re a team. I never expected to go so far but once the porcupine thing started following me, it was hard to get rid of it.”

Rory tightened his embrace and kissed her then, letting all the worry fade away as the world around them disappeared. Then it was just the two of them, together. Nothing else mattered.

Until the Doctor cleared his throat, “See? I can take you somewhere that has no dramatic, drastic problem. It isn’t my fault that Rory lost his head.”

Rory ignored him completely, focusing solely on Amy. “What do you want to do now, wife?”

“I’m thinking a nice quiet evening with pizza and telly.”

“Sounds perfect.”

The Doctor sighed, studying the flower between his fingertips. “Looks like it’ll be another evening with just you and me, buttercup.”

Amy rolled her eyes. “Oi! Doctor! Don’t you want to join us? I’m thinking one of the Muppets movies might be in order.”

His eyes lit up. “Oh, I love the Muppets movies! Are you sure you don’t mind?”

Amy glanced at Rory who nodded. “Of course not.”

The Doctor jumped up, samples spilling everywhere as he rushed inside the TARDIS. “I’ll get the popcorn ready!”

Rory chuckled at his enthusiasm and stooped to pick up the various examples of plant life scattered over the ground. “I suppose he’s felt a bit neglected.”

“Well, I imagine so.”

“He doesn’t realize that we won’t really be watching the movie, does he?”

“Why Mr. Pond, whatever are you talking about?” Amy asked innocently.

He finished his task and stood up, slowly grasping her hand. “First,” he said softly, “I’ll start by holding your hand. And then,” he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, “I’ll whisper the many things I love about you.”

She smiled at him, “I may have a few things to tell you as well. Then what?”

“Then,” he tugged her close, “I’m going to show you how I feel, Mrs. Pond.” He cupped her cheek with his hand and kissed her softly.

“Perfect,” she breathed and they didn’t move from that spot for a long while.

Time stood still and neither of them noticed the tiny people on miniature horses watching curiously from beneath the fallen leaves. Then slowly they faded away, not wanting to be noticed or ruin the moment.

The end.

Prompt words: Orange, Polka-dot, Horses, Flower, Porcupine

character: amy pond, character: eleventh doctor, fic: doctor who, character: rory williams-pond

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