[Thread] Fix it kits...

Apr 28, 2008 17:39

Characters: AU Eriol Hiiragizawa, AU Fay, OU Fai, AU Kurogane
Where: The clinic
When: After this.
Summary: Fay has run into a wall and hurt himself, Eriol goes to help.
Warnings: None at the moment.

Eriol had been intrigued to see the message over the communicators about Fay. He knew of the boy. After all, as Clow Reed, he and Yuuko had discussed the future often, and spoken of the Clow Reed of other worlds. So Eriol was curious to meet Fay, and Kurogane as well (he had a feeling the ninja would be there).

The magician made his way into the clinic, cloak billowing out behind him and extended staff in hand. He looked around for the group.

location: clinic

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