Characters: OU!Shadow, OU!Tohru
Where: Mui-Enas, roof, elsewhere maybe?
When: Late night New Year's Eve / morning of the new year
Summary: Potion-afflicted hedgehog, ageless, seeks potion-afflicted but otherwise normally in love with him anyway human girl, 19, for a New Year's evening under the stars.
Warnings: Well, it's a love potion, so. You know. We'll see.
He'd seen the posts on the network, by now. The number of remarks about the sudden appearance of bottled drinks in people's refrigerators. They were suspicious, and so were these feelings he'd had for Tohru ever since drinking what he'd thought was tea she had made. Knowing how things went here, it wasn't much of a stretch to suspect that the drink was what had brought these feelings on, because while he did care about the girl, he didn't normally find his thoughts so full of her. He wanted nothing more than to be near her, to see her and talk to her and feel her. It wasn't normal for him to want to be close to a person like he wanted with her.
And he should have been bothered by this, he thought. How was it in any way acceptable for whoever had done this to affect him in such a personal way? But he found it hard to care. Being in love, as he had decided that was what this was, felt nice. Odd, but nice. He didn't want it to end.
Shadow had considered telling Tohru of his conclusion that these feelings of his weren't genuine. It would hurt her, but surely she would understand. The problem was that that wasn't true. Right now, he really did love her. Fighting it by trying to keep away from her and tell himself it wasn't real would hurt her. This wouldn't last forever, and when the effects had passed and things returned to normal, she would hurt then, too. But he could delay her suffering, and give her everything she had ever wanted until he no longer could. Neither way would be fair to her, but at least by waiting she could be happy a little longer.
And, selfishly, he would be happy, too.
Night had fallen some time ago. The new year would reach them before long. And Shadow wanted nothing more than to celebrate it with Tohru. He waited patiently for her in the main room of their apartment, hoping that the effects of that magical drink would continue to last throughout the night.