[Thread] Best Laid Plans

Dec 21, 2008 10:32

Characters: OU!Jing, AU!Fayt
Where: Ast-Tessera
When: A day or two after this and referencing this
Summary: Fayt stops by to talk to Jing.
Warnings: Moping, probably.

Jing had resolved to follow the orders that Fayt -- and by extension anyone he placed in charge of him -- but that didn't mean he was already chafing under the limits. Part of it was the fact that he'd been placed on the communications team, which was led by Maria whom he was certain tolerated him only because of Fayt. That frustration was compounded by the realization that he wouldn't even be much help in this placement, as his knowledge of technological skill was limited. He couldn't even prove his usefulness and begin to earn back the trust of the others through good work.

The other part was more deeply seated than that. He had lived his whole life under no rules except his own. And when he'd been in the coordinator's job, he had say in the way things happened; not in charge, but with an equal voice. He'd liked that, found he could more readily accept the structure of the alliance when he participated in it.

He realized it was unfair, probably, to the others. That he'd gained such a position through luck, by chance, by virtue of being the first unlucky soul the Consulo had snatched up, so many months ago. He hadn't earned the position. Maybe this was just karma? Things coming full circle?

Jing sighed and poked half-heartedly at the messenger. Maybe for a holiday wish, he could wish for a mind better suited for this time and place.

[star ocean] fayt leingod, [king of bandits jing] jing

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