Characters: OU Alice Liddell, AU Solomon Kane
Where: The Park, by the pond
When: Daybreak of December 8
Summary: Alice's latest duelling partner is a vagrant swordsman from the Elizabethan era.
Warnings: Sparring-level violence
Blue eyes glared from beneath a wide hat brim at the night sky above. At those pulsating orbs of light hanging far too low to be called 'stars'. The ever-vigilant Keepers had had their eye-equivalents trained on him since stepping out of Vri-Eksi. As if this grim Englishman was seriously entertaining the thought of escape, even if his restless vagabond's heart did snarl at him like a caged wolf. Nay, his reason for being awake at this unholy hour was much more commonplace than that.
Alice Liddell. One of this mad city's more insightful, if cynical, residents. She had lost a friend during the latest wave of disappearances. But rather than cripple herself grieving for a shattered bond, she'd chosen not to let it dull her edge. One of the most practical responses he'd seen here yet, and one he wouldn't mind helping her fulfill. Considering the warrior within had not run free for months now.
A wry smile on his dour face. He couldn't help but note: this was the very same spot he'd once held practice duels with Alex Noah.
About the moment he realized that, the faintest blood-red streaks of dawn began to pierce the darkness of the Park. She would be here very soon.