[Thread] Drinks

Dec 09, 2008 00:34

Characters: AU!Riza Hawkeye, OPEN
Where: An office in the office building.
When: Sometime shortly after her recent entry
Summery: Otogi's provided drinks and Riza's willing to share.

This wasn't like her at all. Riza wasn't one to get drunk in order to try and forget things, but she was tired of listening to all of the whining and stuff. Sure, she had whined when her friends left, but some of the reactions that had happened were getting a bit out of control.

People came to this place and people left. Riza was getting used to that fact. It still didn't help at all. Hearing all the ruckus about some people leaving had just reminded her of all the people she had lost. And right now it was just time to get drunk and deal with the hangover and sadness later.

She wondered if anyone would join her, she had left the offer open and she wouldn't mind the company.

[fullmetal alchemist] riza hawkeye, [american mcgee's alice] cheshire cat, [saiyuki] genjo sanzo, [death note] matt (mail jeevas), *open

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