[Thread] Conjuring up trouble...

Nov 24, 2008 17:37

Characters: OU!Pharaun Mizzrym, OU!Jesse
Where: Ast-Pente
When: Sometime after Pharaun promised to try and summon Jesse's Pokemon
Summary: Pharaun intends to try his hand at some conjuration to see if he can bring Jesse her Pokemon.
Warnings: Pharaun's pretty much a warning all by himself most days.  Also Jesse's reaction when the spell fails.

Pretend this is witty. )

[forgotten realms] pharaun mizzrym, [pokemon] jesse, location: apartments

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blastoffagain November 25 2008, 00:55:23 UTC
Jesse certainly didn't know anything about magic. All she knew was that she'd found someone who seemed to think that he could get her Pokemon for her. That was all she needed to know as she dashed out of her apartment and up the street.

Wasting no time, Jesse found the Ast-Pente apartment and began pounding on the door with her usual lively impatience.


berranyrmizzrym November 25 2008, 03:18:16 UTC
Pharaun sighed. Honestly, some humans... He strode over to the door at a leisurely pace and pulled it open. "You would be Jesse, then?"


blastoffagain November 25 2008, 03:27:37 UTC
"The one and only!" Jesse told the strange-looking man who would be getting her Pokemon back for her. She took out the two pokeballs and held them out. "Here. Let's do this!"


berranyrmizzrym November 25 2008, 03:33:17 UTC
The drow set the two pokeballs in the middle of the circle. "You may want to make yourself comfortable," he said, gesturing at the couch. "This will take a few minutes."


blastoffagain November 25 2008, 03:36:38 UTC
That wasn't a problem. Jesse dropped onto the couch and stretched out, making herself quite comfortable indeed. "So how does this work?" she asked as she watched her pokeballs be placed in a circle on the floor.


berranyrmizzrym November 25 2008, 03:40:46 UTC
"The details are difficult to understand for anyone not trained for it, but essentially I'm attempting to forge a link to the creatures' home world -" after so long, substituting "world" for "plane" came naturally "- along which they can travel through the Astral Plane." He smirked. "To put it in a nutshell: it's magic."


blastoffagain November 25 2008, 10:42:22 UTC
Jesse thought she understood all of that in a vague sort of "not getting it" way. Saying that it was magic was all she really needed to know. Although, she admitted to herself, she didn't need to know any of it provided that she got her Pokemon back. "Right, right. So make with the hocus pocus! Let's do this!"


berranyrmizzrym November 25 2008, 23:49:09 UTC
Pharaun waved a hand dismissively. "Patience, patience. The spell takes ten minutes to cast. Try not to distract me; I haven't prepared but the one spell for today, so if I lose the spell I won't be able to try again until tomorrow."

Without further ado, he launched into the sequence of mystical words - indecipherable to many in his world, never mind Jesse - and arcane passes necessary to invoke the spell. And if he declaimed just a little more dramatically and gestured a bit more broadly than absolutely necessary, well... the wizard had always been a bit of a showoff.


blastoffagain November 26 2008, 00:26:08 UTC
For once Jesse did just as she was told. She wanted her Pokemon back badly enough that she sat completely still and quiet. If Pharaun had known her better, he would have recognized exactly how rare an occurrence this was.


berranyrmizzrym November 26 2008, 00:37:49 UTC
The air inside the circle seemed to warp in strange directions as the incantation neared its conclusion, as if it was shimmering in a heat haze. As Pharaun spoke the last few words, though, it snapped back into place.

The drow was silent for a few moments, then bowed his head, crimson eyes closed. It seemed the spell hadn't worked.


blastoffagain November 26 2008, 01:14:20 UTC
It had seemed like something was happening. Jesse had watched the haze in the circle eagerly, waiting for her Pokemon. But then the haze was gone and there were no Pokemon. "Well?" she asked, hoping that maybe the spell wasn't over with.


berranyrmizzrym November 26 2008, 02:45:26 UTC
Softly, Pharaun said, "The spell failed."


blastoffagain November 26 2008, 03:04:57 UTC
"...oh." Had it been James or Meowth, Jesse would have snarled and shouted and forced them to try again. But this guy seemed like the sort who knew what he was doing.

Jesse hugged herself silently as she stared at the floor. She took deep breaths and told herself that she wouldn't cry. Crying was for the weak, and she wasn't weak.


berranyrmizzrym November 26 2008, 03:15:11 UTC
"Gentle" wasn't a tone drow were accustomed to using sincerely, but Pharaun did the best he could. "I'm sorry."


blastoffagain November 26 2008, 03:19:25 UTC
Jesse forced on a smile, trying to regain some of her usual confident air. "Not your fault. You tried."


berranyrmizzrym November 26 2008, 03:42:30 UTC
"I suppose there isn't much reason for you to hang about here..." Pharaun wanted some peace and quiet to try and determine why the spell didn't work.


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