[Thread] Let's Conspire to Reignite

Nov 22, 2008 18:29

Characters: AU!Rhyme Bito and AU!Neku Sakuraba
Where: First apartment building.
When: Earlier today.
Summary: Rhyme finally makes her way to one of the apartments and runs into a familiar face.
Warnings: None~

After having slept in the church the previous days, Rhyme had finally learn of the apartments which gave free lodging to all the newcomers. She would have probably learned of them sooner if she had talked with people more, but part of her was still expecting to wake up from all this. Facts were facts though, and it was time to face them. This was real, and she felt a hybrid emotion of happiness and resentment towards it. She could go on for a long time, listing the pros and cons of this sudden turn of fate, but it would do little good. Best to keep ones eyes focused on the good, and make the best of the rest.

For now what was important was finding out which room she had been assigned to. That and getting some food. For the first time in years she was feeling hunger, something that ironically brought her a bit of happiness. She supposed when brought here she had been given life once more, or some strange semblance of it. In death she had been able to eat if she so chose to, at those shops properly marked by the Reapers, but it hadn't been necessary.

It'd be hard getting use to maintaining herself as she once did in life, but it would be a pleasant burden to carry. It went for many things, not just eating. It was true what they said: You take too many things for granted until it's gone.

Such as proper clothing. she thought to herself, as her arms once again went around her when a chill passed through her body. It was a miracle she hadn't gotten sick yet, and if she managed to keep healthy in the time she was able to get better clothing she'd have to thank her stars.

"So, Loh Ennea." she whispered to herself, walking down the empty halls of the apartment. She was in no rush to find it just yet since she was rather curious about the building itself, and wondering just how she could properly present to herself to her soon-to-be room mates.

*complete, [twewy] sakuraba neku., [twewy] bito raimu

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