[Thread] Face kisses!

Nov 13, 2008 00:32

Characters: OU!Johann, AU!Persephone
Where: Ast-Tessera
When: After this conversation
Summary: Johann is going to take a look at Persephone's brain.
Warnings: Braaaiiiins.

The more and more she talked to people, Persephone was starting to take a liking to the whole goddess thing. The gods were dead in her world (at least in her current frame of mind) and despite the ones hanging around Econtra, it was weird to think that any of them from her world were even alive, much less that she was a part of their pantheon. Not that, you know, being a goddess wouldn't have its perks. Immortality would be interesting and the all-powerful bit wouldn't be half bad either. That would be pretty cool.

Still, as much as she wished, that was most definitely not going to happen. Persephone would readily admit at this point that something was wrong, but that farmhouse was very vivid in her mind, as were the golden fields of wheat her family was famous for. Yeah, her dreams of immortality and all-powerfulness would remain just that -- dreams.

Persephone bustled around the apartment, having just finished lunch (she was finally starting to take three square meals a day, even if the cooking thing was giving her a lot of trouble), and was gathering up a few blankets to go take down to Robin's apartment after Johann's visit. It still upset her that he was asleep, but if she could at least keep him warm, then... that was something.

[hellboy] johann krauss, [age of mythology] persephone, location: apartments

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