[Thread] We guarantee your complete satisfaction...

Nov 06, 2008 07:17

Characters: Princess Tomoyo(AU) and OPEN!
Where: Every where and no where at the same time.
When: Now-ish.
Summary: Tomoyo is wondering around in thought mostly.
Warnings: Be careful if you are small and cute.

Tomoyo was leaving her apartment for that walk, that walk she always used to take with Kurogane back in Nihon when she was troubled. She didn't grab Kurogane this time though, since he was more needed by his lover than by her right now. She started walking in a random direction, which ended up toward the direction of the park. She had to worry about a lot of things that were happening here. For one, the war seemed rather pointless to her. Why were the aliens fighting themselves and using humans to do it? It was very suspicious.

There had to be some information missing, or there role here was not as important as it was hyped up to be. The theory that they were all just food sources made a lot more sense then what she had been told at first. Also, reading Tomoyo also had realized that most people didn't seem to worry about this war at all. With marriages and things. And then there was the fighting amongst themselves that Tomoyo couldn't seem to understand. They should be uniting to fight the common enemy, not each other!

So lost in her thoughts was she, Tomoyo didn't happen to register exactly where she was going, and ended up bumping into someone. With a start she turned to apologize quickly. After all! It was her fault for not paying attention.
((OOC: Tomoyo needs friends... T-T Also, new character, new thread.))

[yuugiou 5d's] fudou yuusei, [trc] princess tomoyo, location: park, [princess tutu] ahiru

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