[Thread] BACKDATED - This place isn't "where we belong"

Nov 02, 2008 12:59

Characters: Faye Valentine (OU), Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivruski IV (OU)
Where: Plaza, near the fountain.
When: A few days ago, after Ed arrives and after this thread.
Summary: The Bebop girls meet up.
Warnings: None, I hope.

Faye threw on the gray men's jacket she had borrowed from Kon and ran down the stairs, her thoughts and feelings roiling, turbulent and confused. Out of everybody they could've chosen, it had to be Ed, she thought. She doesn't belong here, she's just a kid... I mean, okay, she can take care of herself, but she shouldn't be in a war! She'll get killed! She shouldn't be here. ...Never mind that she's going to drive me up the freaking walls! Faye made an irritated noise in her throat as she had this thought. And yet... she couldn't deny that she felt happy.

She wasn't going to think too hard about that.

Faye burst from the doors of her apartment building and hurried to the plaza. Likely as not the kid won't even be there, Faye grumbled to herself. She's probably seen a squirrel or something and wandered off, and it'll take me all day to track her down.

She came into view of the fountain and glanced around breathlessly. "Ed?" she called.

[cowboy bebop] faye valentine, *complete, [cowboy bebop] radical edward

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