[thread] Just a little perv?

Oct 28, 2008 13:46

Characters: OU: Harth Fray, OU Schuldig, Open (after Schuldig posts)
Where: The strip club and later The plaza
When:The third stage, at night
Summary:Harth has a conversation with Schuldug
Warnings: Who knows, hopefully a vampire bite?

Harth sat on his chair, hand to chin and eyes on the text of a book. He turned the final page, read the final passage, and tossed it to the pile of texts. He had secluded himself in his small home for almost two weeks. Having only eaten since his feast of Slayer's blood. The meal his sister had given him had kept him for all that time, but his strength was waning.

He chided himself, turning his thoughts away from food and considering his options. Outside, the sun had set, and the night activities would soon begin. He didn't envy them one bit. He went through their lives now with the illusion that they knew death, that they had empathy for those people who had died. They didn't, most of them anyway, even if they claimed otherwise.

He stood, moving swiftly to the door and stairs to the main shop one level below. He exited onto the main street, walking down until he picked up a familiar scent. Fresh too. He followed the smell until he arrived at one of the shops, entering and taking in the sighs of the stage and dancing pole. He'd seen something similar back in haddyn, so he had to wonder just what his quarry was doing in such a place.


[buffy / angel] harth fray, [weiss kreuz] schuldig

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