[Thread] Fencing Match

Sep 17, 2008 15:05

Characters: AU!Trowa Barton (as Dorothy Catalonia), OU!Heero Yuy, AU!Quatre Winner, OPEN to spectators
Where: The Dojo
When: First afternoon of the Transformation Plot
Summary: Dorothy challenges Heero and Quatre to a fencing match
Warnings: Annoying!Dorothy?

Dorothy stood at the entrance to the dojo, bending slightly at the waist as she looked left and right for the arrival of the two boys. With her hands clasped behind her back, and wide shining blue eyes and a smile on her face, the girl hid her bloodlust perfectly. Econtra being, for all intents and purposes, a camp to hold soldiers temporarily while they wait for war, the war fanatic was at her element. There were only two things that could make the situation better--the war itself and the Gundams returned to their pilots. But, for now, she had to settle for a fencing match with them.

[gundam wing] heero yuy, [gundam wing] quatre winner, [gundam wing] trowa barton

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