[Thread] Excitement Abounds, I Almost Can't Wait

Sep 16, 2008 00:32

Characters: AU!Envy, OPEN
Where: The park
When: Daytime
Summary: Envy is bored. Bugging random people who happen by will be good for entertainment.
Warnings: Envy. Language. Possible other warnings depending on who joins in.

How could I stare at their loss and then not laugh )

[warcraft] sylvanas windrunner, [yu yu hakusho] hiei, *open, [the 10th kingdom] wolf, [fullmetal alchemist] envy

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huffpuffpuppy September 16 2008, 16:49:13 UTC
Wolf's senses were ringing and bothering him like a nest of swarming bees. He was used to his nose being better than normal humans, he was even used to his hearing and eyesight being just a touch more keen than those without half-wolf blood in them, but he was not used to this utterly strange sensation of being able to feel all the world at once. It hurt and stung, but felt utterly wonderful at the same time. It made him think of that Force thing that Alema had spoken about once or twice - the magic-like power that knights like her called upon to help them.

Wolves were not meant to be more magical than they already were. They were certainly not meant to be knights... but his new awareness added to the strange cylindrical weapon that had appeared on his belt the night before was enough to convince Wolf that he had (at least temporarily) been changed into one of the Jedi that his lifelong mate already was ( ... )


sins_rebellion September 16 2008, 17:00:01 UTC
Someone was making a racket underneath his tree. Maybe it wasn't loud, but it was obnoxious, which was enough to warrant the word. Whoever it was had come up behind him, and Envy hadn't even noticed him until he started crying.

But, if he was already crying about something, he could be useful for a bit of entertainment. With that thought, Envy flipped himself backwards over the tree limb, holding onto it with his knees so that he ended up swinging upside down from it, facing the new arrival. "What's eating you?"


huffpuffpuppy September 18 2008, 01:01:38 UTC
The shaggy haired man looked up in surprise as the upside-down face before him. His blue-gray eyes went a little wary at the hanging figure, obviously not inclined to easily trust someone - especially when that someone looked to be a sneaky human.

Wolf sniffed the air and noted that the being before him had a distinctly not human scent, but otherwise could discern nothing else about him. His unhoned Jedi powers told him nothing except that whoever this was was some form of life.

"Eating me? Nothing! I'm at the top of the food chain." The Wolf growled slightly wondering if this acrobatic stranger was threatening him.


sins_rebellion September 18 2008, 01:14:34 UTC
Envy's smirk widened devilishly, which must certainly look strange to someone seeing it upside down. "So sure about that? Maybe you simply haven't met what's higher than you yet."

This man was certainly strange, though. Envy had only seen him for a few moments now, but already he could notice that his mannerisms were a bit strange. Off. That, and trying to smell someone or whatever was just weird. Almost seemed like Gluttony when he started to guess he'd be eating soon.


huffpuffpuppy September 18 2008, 04:41:31 UTC
Wolf snorted derisively. "No one is dumb enough to hunt a Wolf when we're at our Wolfy-est - well, except humans." His eyes narrowed slightly. "But you're no human." Blue-gray irises flashed yellow for a moment before returning to their original color. "Are you going to try and eat me? Because I don't think these..." He lifted his hand to show the cuff on his wrist there, "...will let you."


sins_rebellion September 18 2008, 04:52:57 UTC
Envy's face twisted in a moment of disgust. "I'm not one for eating people." Actually, he didn't eat much of anything. What would be the point? It was hardly like he'd get nutrition from it. Ed had liked to eat sometimes, and so Envy had gone along with it out of boredom.

"But," he said, the smug look returning to his face, "you'd be surprised how much damage these things let you get away with."


huffpuffpuppy September 22 2008, 13:43:34 UTC
The young man shrugged his shoulders, sticking his hands in his pockets in a nonchalant gesture of acknowledgment. "Somehow I think biting someone's arm or leg off would be considered a violent action." Wolf's eyes grew slightly distant and thoughtful.

"Though I've always wanted to try that sauce..." A line of drool started to inch its way out from between his lips along with the lick of his tongue. Suddenly Wolf snapped back to reality, and he seemed extremely distraught by whatever line of thought his mind had taken. "Uh... I mean... cripes, I didn't think I could still think like that!"


sins_rebellion September 23 2008, 23:43:58 UTC
"Sauce?" So, the guy was crazy. Envy'd known plenty of crazy before. You live that long, especially with his sort of people, and that's what you got. "Sure, but it doesn't stop all violence."


huffpuffpuppy September 24 2008, 20:44:42 UTC
"But it means that I don't have to worry about you eating me." The Wolf pointed out with a barking chuckle. "Besides, I think I'd put up more of a fight than you're willing to admit. Wolves are fierce creatures." His eyes gleamed gold for a moment. "Even the half-tame ones."


sins_rebellion September 24 2008, 21:36:09 UTC
Envy shrugged which, as he was hanging upside, probably didn't give quite the normal effect. "You'd wear down eventually," he said, transforming himself into the man's appearance. "You look fairly slicable, as well."


huffpuffpuppy September 24 2008, 21:39:24 UTC
The Wolf blinked, then sniffed the air. "That's a handy spell." The young man grinned, but didn't look particularly put out by Envy's transformation. "Unfortunately for you, the nose knows." He grinned boyishly and ran a hand through his hair.


sins_rebellion September 24 2008, 21:43:46 UTC
"It isn't a spell," Envy said, annoyed. As if he was like those people who went around doing stupid shit that affected everyone all the time. "It's physiology."


huffpuffpuppy September 24 2008, 21:45:23 UTC
"Phy-what?" The young man stared at Envy with a growing grin. "You made that word up, didn't you?" He laughed with good humor at what he thought was a joke.


sins_rebellion September 24 2008, 21:47:01 UTC
Envy looked at him as though he were an idiot. Which he very might well be. So many people were. "What the hell kind of science do they have in your world? Physiology means it's the way my body works."


huffpuffpuppy September 25 2008, 00:19:51 UTC
"The Science of Magic, the Science of Alchemy, the Science of Curses...and Enchantments I suppose..." Wolf scratched under his chin thoughtfully. "I'm not much of a scholar really.. that's mostly left to witches and wizards."


sins_rebellion September 25 2008, 00:25:03 UTC
"Alchemy?" Envy said, actually vaguely interested now. None of the people he'd met from worlds besides him knew of alchemy, besides of few that thought it was a fake science disproved centuries ago in their worlds. The idiots. "Then you'd understand. I'm alchemical."


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