[Thread] Excitement Abounds, I Almost Can't Wait

Sep 16, 2008 00:32

Characters: AU!Envy, OPEN
Where: The park
When: Daytime
Summary: Envy is bored. Bugging random people who happen by will be good for entertainment.
Warnings: Envy. Language. Possible other warnings depending on who joins in.

How could I stare at their loss and then not laugh )

[warcraft] sylvanas windrunner, [yu yu hakusho] hiei, *open, [the 10th kingdom] wolf, [fullmetal alchemist] envy

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Comments 40

threeyedflame September 16 2008, 09:50:09 UTC
Hiei had wings, a set of black leathery wings on her back that had ruined one of her shirts and she couldn't put on her cloak. To add to it, the Jagan was open and she couldn't get it closed again. Yet another way that this place annoyed her.

She quietly walked to the park, determined to relax in her favorite tree when she noticed that someone else was there. Great. Just what she needed.


sins_rebellion September 16 2008, 14:17:05 UTC
Envy smirked as he saw someone approaching his tree, looking annoyed as they did so. It made it a lot easier for him if people were already in a bad mood. And this looked like a case of right place at the right time.

Additionally, getting a better look as she got closer, he recognized her. She was the girl he'd met in Greed's room. With wings and a weird-ass extra eye. "Looks like someone got you good," he said.


threeyedflame September 16 2008, 18:02:47 UTC
She looked up at Envy, raising an eyebrow. "The only thing extra are the wings." She said. The Jagan she had had for a long time. She was used to it. She noticed that Envy was spared from this round of chaos and said nothing about it.


sins_rebellion September 18 2008, 00:07:12 UTC
Envy looked down at her for a moment, deciding what she'd look like without the wings. Then he hopped off his branch, transforming as he went. "Like this, then?" he asked with a smug grin.


huffpuffpuppy September 16 2008, 16:49:13 UTC
Wolf's senses were ringing and bothering him like a nest of swarming bees. He was used to his nose being better than normal humans, he was even used to his hearing and eyesight being just a touch more keen than those without half-wolf blood in them, but he was not used to this utterly strange sensation of being able to feel all the world at once. It hurt and stung, but felt utterly wonderful at the same time. It made him think of that Force thing that Alema had spoken about once or twice - the magic-like power that knights like her called upon to help them.

Wolves were not meant to be more magical than they already were. They were certainly not meant to be knights... but his new awareness added to the strange cylindrical weapon that had appeared on his belt the night before was enough to convince Wolf that he had (at least temporarily) been changed into one of the Jedi that his lifelong mate already was ( ... )


sins_rebellion September 16 2008, 17:00:01 UTC
Someone was making a racket underneath his tree. Maybe it wasn't loud, but it was obnoxious, which was enough to warrant the word. Whoever it was had come up behind him, and Envy hadn't even noticed him until he started crying.

But, if he was already crying about something, he could be useful for a bit of entertainment. With that thought, Envy flipped himself backwards over the tree limb, holding onto it with his knees so that he ended up swinging upside down from it, facing the new arrival. "What's eating you?"


huffpuffpuppy September 18 2008, 01:01:38 UTC
The shaggy haired man looked up in surprise as the upside-down face before him. His blue-gray eyes went a little wary at the hanging figure, obviously not inclined to easily trust someone - especially when that someone looked to be a sneaky human.

Wolf sniffed the air and noted that the being before him had a distinctly not human scent, but otherwise could discern nothing else about him. His unhoned Jedi powers told him nothing except that whoever this was was some form of life.

"Eating me? Nothing! I'm at the top of the food chain." The Wolf growled slightly wondering if this acrobatic stranger was threatening him.


sins_rebellion September 18 2008, 01:14:34 UTC
Envy's smirk widened devilishly, which must certainly look strange to someone seeing it upside down. "So sure about that? Maybe you simply haven't met what's higher than you yet."

This man was certainly strange, though. Envy had only seen him for a few moments now, but already he could notice that his mannerisms were a bit strange. Off. That, and trying to smell someone or whatever was just weird. Almost seemed like Gluttony when he started to guess he'd be eating soon.


darkrangerqueen September 16 2008, 17:52:01 UTC
This is temporary. It has to be.

Sylvanas walked slowly through the park, under the trees. The racket of growth and natural decay buzzed in her ears. There were other people around, but she passed them without acknowledgment. The life. Oh, to be able to sense life! It was too good, too strange after she had resigned herself to undeath. And it would not last.

Mind full, the former Ranger-General leaned against one of the largest trees in the little grove, resting her cheek and one hand against the bark. Its smell and texture calmed her.


sins_rebellion September 18 2008, 00:03:02 UTC
Envy watched as another person approached his tree, lost in her own world. Really, she didn't look all that interesting, but he could be wrong. When she stopped underneath him, he decided that if she were going to be so conveniently close to him, he might as well take the opportunity. "Fond of trees, then?" he asked, not bothering to move from his branch.


darkrangerqueen September 20 2008, 03:01:30 UTC
In an eyeblink, she straightened and her head snapped up, pinning him immediately with her sky-blue eyes. Her heart burned in embarrassment at being caught, but after all, there was no privacy in this place.

Sylvanas narrowed her eyes to regard the person. He had a relaxed, almost lazy air. "You could say that," she answered guardedly. "Who are you?"


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