[Thread] Lunch isn't for lunchtime.

Aug 12, 2008 22:35

Characters: OU!Gino Weinberg and AU!Kallen Stadtfeld.
Where: Café!
When: Around sundown.
Summary: Gino has scored a lunch date with Kallen. Despite that it is not lunchtime.
Warnings: None.

This looks great, but you're the most delicious treat of all. )

[code geass] gino weinberg, [code geass] kallen stadtfeld

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dauntlessxfight August 13 2008, 06:34:35 UTC
Kallen really had no idea why she was going to meet the irksome Britannian. Except she did know why. Rolo has said Zero would want him kept away from Lelouch, and even if she didn't know if Rolo was trustworthy, there was a chance he was on their side, and so she would take his advice until she found out more about the situation.

Still, she took her time about getting to the café, convincing herself to actually go there. Meeting up with someone who was clearly an enemy, and one who would have attempted to take her prisoner if they were at home, was stupid. Even more so when it was someone she'd personally disliked after only a few comments into their first conversation.

But she did show up. Late, if a meeting that had been announced as 'now' could really have an on time in the first place, and with a frown firmly on her face, but there.


hugtiems August 13 2008, 12:59:43 UTC
The place was rather quiet and empty at this hour, Gino observed, leaning back in his chair with his arms folded behind his head. Probably because this was a café and not a restaurant, really, so it was probably better frequented during the day and early afternoon. But of course, he simply said pish-posh on the naysayers. And on Kallen, too. He used to eat his meals whenever he wanted them when he was younger and living in a manor! So there.

Commoners were strange animals, after all. Strange, but their quaint customs were so fun. He'd always enjoyed pretending to be one. And now, for all intents and purposes, he really was one! Which was more exciting to him than just having to play pretend. This train of thought would be derailed, however, when he happened to look up and notice Kallen enter the café.

He was immediately filled with a distinct joy over seeing someone he realized - despite that it wasn't actually the Kallen he knew - and in his excitement he leapt from his chair and waved one hand up high in the air at the ( ... )


dauntlessxfight August 13 2008, 17:18:06 UTC
Kallen sighed in vexation as the Britannian started waving and calling her over. Of course she wouldn't have known who he was if he hadn't, since she'd never met him in her own world, but that was no reason to make such a fuss about it. She'd met up with other people she'd only ever talked to through the PDAs with much less of a spectacle.

She walked over with her teeth grit, glad there were only a few people here to see this guy making a fool of them both. She stopped next to the table, crossing her arms and looking away from him in annoyance. "So, I'm here."


hugtiems August 14 2008, 01:40:23 UTC
The Knight dropped his arm back at his side as she approached, silently observing her stride, her expression. Even those things were subtly different than the Kallen he knew. But they had the same voice. He really liked her voice. So much so that he was abruptly overcome with the desire to launch forward and hug her tight... but he wouldn't do that. Women, especially ones that were convinced they hated him, needed their space.

"I'm so glad you could make it!" he gushed instead, an enormous smile spreading across his face. "And I guess in this case, I should also say that it's a pleasure to finally meet you." With this, he circled around Kallen to pull out the chair in front of the table for her. "Have a seat!"


dauntlessxfight August 14 2008, 04:01:03 UTC
Kallen took the proffered seat, not able to decide how she felt about having him pull it out for her. It was supposed to be considerate, she knew, and if it had been someone else she might have thought it was nice, if unnecessary. But because he was annoying, she wanted his actions to be, as well.

Speaking of, it was hard to keep up an annoyed frown while he was grinning so brightly at her. He looked so earnestly happy, it felt like kicking a puppy to scowl at him. If he wasn't so clearly an enemy, she might almost have not minded becoming friends with him. She could easily see where aggravation could become a mere friendly bother

And that was no good. Because he was an enemy. And so she kept her expression neutral, thinking civil. She would be civil, not friendly. "And I must say it's a surprise to meet you. I wouldn't have thought any of the Knights of Round would be fans of mine."


hugtiems August 14 2008, 10:54:43 UTC
"Well, there are surprises around every corner," Gino commented simply, helping scooch in Kallen's chair before he sat back in his own and rested his arms on the table. "Or so it seems, anyway. Here, wanna look at the menu? I already decided." Without waiting for an answer, he slid the single laminated sheet across the table. Afterwards, he propped his chin up in his hand and simply gazed at her.

It wasn't really a stare, and certainly not googly-eyed (though he did appear to be enraptured for whatever reason). His was more of a fond look, a look that could guarantee that all his attention was focused on you and nowhere else. He'd found this was a very helpful trait to have, as women really seemed to like being paid attention to when it was due. For now, he'd keep his trap shut and let her read the menu.


dauntlessxfight August 14 2008, 17:15:38 UTC
"You can say that again," Kallen muttered, picking up the menu. Everything about this place was a surprise. Even after being here for a few months, she never knew quite what to expect. At some times, it would seem as normal as being a captive in an army to fight aliens could be. And then something would happen, magic or craziness or people stealing...things.

But of all the surprising things that happened here, she hadn't imagined any would appear in the guise of an irksome enemy from a version of her own world. The best thing to do would be to finish up with this strange lunch as quickly as possible.

Making a decision, she put down the menu, saying, "I guess I'll..." She trailed off, noticing that he was watching her. "What?" she asked in discomfort.


hugtiems August 14 2008, 18:58:44 UTC
Gino was very nearly ready to indeed repeat that phrase when Kallen happened to realize she was being watched. At this he just smiled, then turned in his chair to flag down the waiter. When he approached, he cheerfully chirped that he would like a hot dog with mustard and a seven-up, then passed the proverbial baton to Kallen.

Aah, hot dogs. His favorite commoner food-- no, his favorite food, period! And even if he had only been in Econtra for a short time, it felt as if it had been simply ages since he'd last enjoyed a delicious mustard hot dog. Not to mention with clear soda. His happiness levels had nearly reached their maximum for the day, and it showed in the vibrant grin on his face.


dauntlessxfight August 14 2008, 20:26:45 UTC
Kallen grumbled under her breath as he brushed off her question. First staring at her, and then ignoring her ( ... )


hugtiems August 15 2008, 18:51:51 UTC
Oh no no, an awkward moment between them simply wouldn't do. He had often heard it during the rare occasions that the Knights of Round would have dinners together. That uneasy So... would be the first thing, then someone would respond with hm? Another yet would murmur, Yeah. Silence would follow, and then Gino would lick his spoon and stick it to his nose or something to spark some kind of a reaction. Really. His teammates could be so boring at times. And he'd really come to dislike the sound of quiet.

The Knight turned back in his chair to face Kallen after the waiter left and beamed at her. "So!" he repeated back... only with far more pep. "You're looking particularly nice this evening. Have you been well? Y'know, since coming to this place and all. Hopefully it hasn't been too much of a... dunno, a stress? Although for you, I guess it wouldn't be ( ... )


dauntlessxfight August 16 2008, 17:34:59 UTC
Kallen was silent as he smoothly took hold of the conversation and actually brought up things they could talk about. At the very least, they probably wouldn't run out of things to say. He'd just bring up something else. The real fear would probably be that he might well barrage her with conversation topics.

When he paused to take a drink, she took the pause to answer him. "I've been fine. I haven't had any problems with my health, or any problems here at all, really, except perhaps for dealing with the consequences of some of the people's antics."

Taking a quick sip of her own drink, she continued, "Though I can't really say what might be the differences between our worlds. I don't know what's happened in your world."


hugtiems August 17 2008, 21:13:52 UTC
"In my world..." Gino stopped to think about it. Or rather, he stopped to take another gulp of his seven-up while he considered. At this rate, he'd need rapidfire refills. He could go through nearly half the glass in one sitting. And that was being conservative on his part ( ... )


dauntlessxfight August 18 2008, 22:17:21 UTC
Kallen listened, interested despite herself. She didn't want to be here, of course. But finding out what the future might possibly hold... Knowing what exactly could be coming up was the best preparation anyone could hope for ( ... )


hugtiems August 21 2008, 01:04:45 UTC
Gino appeared to be surprisingly able to close his mouth and listen attentively, his attention focused, his expression more solemn than before. His expression changed in subtle ways while Kallen explained what had happened in her world; he seemed almost disdainful by the time she had finished. This Kallen wasn't as wonderful as his Kallen. She had murdered Suzaku. But... he figured, she had a fair enough reason. She was just protecting her leader. Doing her job.

And what's more, even if she did claim to have killed his best friend, it didn't make that his reality. So there was no point in letting it bother him. "Huh," was all he said, at first. He sipped down the rest of his soda, just in time for the waiter to come back with their food; before he left, he asked for a refill. Then he turned to look at Kallen again. "So you're a whole year and a half behind the... slightly incorrect times, hah?"


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