[Thread] Lunch isn't for lunchtime.

Aug 12, 2008 22:35

Characters: OU!Gino Weinberg and AU!Kallen Stadtfeld.
Where: Café!
When: Around sundown.
Summary: Gino has scored a lunch date with Kallen. Despite that it is not lunchtime.
Warnings: None.

This looks great, but you're the most delicious treat of all. )

[code geass] gino weinberg, [code geass] kallen stadtfeld

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hugtiems August 17 2008, 21:13:52 UTC
"In my world..." Gino stopped to think about it. Or rather, he stopped to take another gulp of his seven-up while he considered. At this rate, he'd need rapidfire refills. He could go through nearly half the glass in one sitting. And that was being conservative on his part!

"Let's start with that attack on Ashford about a year ago or so. As far as I remember hearing, Zero left the Black Knights to their own devices and ran off on his own. Suzaku chased him down and eliminated him, and as a result he was promoted to Knight of Seven. That's where I met him~" he stopped his recountance to smile fondly at the memory. "But then a year later, Zero came back! I guess it's a different Zero than the one Suzaku got rid of, but... just as troublesome, if not moreso."

Here was where he began to hesitate. How much was he allowed to tell someone on the opposite side of the line as him? Normally he was very good on keeping his big mouth shut about classified details. And he had never imagined that he might someday be even slightly inclined to reveal things to an enemy. But he was. For the most part, he was beginning to think that telling her wouldn't be that bad. They were stuck in this military compound, after all, and for another thing... probably none of this was accurate in her world, at all. Couldn't hurt, right? If worse came to worst, he'd just capture her again.

"Aa, so, there were... lots of battles, a million Zeroes were exiled from Britannia... you got captured. Nunnally became Governor-General. Zero started the United Federation of Nations. What else..."


dauntlessxfight August 18 2008, 22:17:21 UTC
Kallen listened, interested despite herself. She didn't want to be here, of course. But finding out what the future might possibly hold... Knowing what exactly could be coming up was the best preparation anyone could hope for.

Things were already changed between their two worlds, that was true. But many of the details he mentioned at the end could very well still come to pass in her world. Knowing about them ahead of time could make them run more smoothly for themselves.

And there was the matter of her getting captured. That was one outcome she wanted to try to avoid if it were at all possible. She wouldn't be any good to Zero if she were captured. At the best, plans would have to be rethought if she were suddenly in the enemy's possession. At worst, Zero would have to rescue her, which could be dangerous to them all.

It seemed like he wasn't going to mention any more events, at least at the moment, and so she put aside her musings with a sigh and considered what to say about her own world. "If we're starting from the attack on Ashford, it won't be a long story. I was brought here in the midst of that battle."

"The battle must have gone very different in my world. I followed Zero away from the battle, and found Suzaku threatening him. I had to stop him, or... I guess it would have turned out like your world. But I did. Stop him. It was strange to. I mean, I didn't-" She paused, collecting herself. Shooting him had been so different from fighting in Knightmares. All those times she'd tried attacking him before then with her pocket knife, she hadn't imagined she'd end up shooting him for Zero. "Anyway, Zero made it out safely."


hugtiems August 21 2008, 01:04:45 UTC
Gino appeared to be surprisingly able to close his mouth and listen attentively, his attention focused, his expression more solemn than before. His expression changed in subtle ways while Kallen explained what had happened in her world; he seemed almost disdainful by the time she had finished. This Kallen wasn't as wonderful as his Kallen. She had murdered Suzaku. But... he figured, she had a fair enough reason. She was just protecting her leader. Doing her job.

And what's more, even if she did claim to have killed his best friend, it didn't make that his reality. So there was no point in letting it bother him. "Huh," was all he said, at first. He sipped down the rest of his soda, just in time for the waiter to come back with their food; before he left, he asked for a refill. Then he turned to look at Kallen again. "So you're a whole year and a half behind the... slightly incorrect times, hah?"


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