[Thread] - Tanabata Festival (OPEN! &hearts)

Aug 09, 2008 09:04

Characters: OPEN! come one come all
Where: a pathway in the park
When: shortly after the pendant plot, during Tanabata
Summary: Mars has organized a small festival (adapted for Econtra) with:
&hearts preparations/decorating
&hearts fortune-telling
&hearts mingling
&hearts a cook-out
Notes: Please feel free to join the created subthreads singly or ( Read more... )

[yuugiou gx] yuki judai, [watchmen] rorschach, [beyblade] rei kon, [sonic:stc] espio the chameleon, [pgsm] hino rei/mars, [sonic:sega] amy rose, [age of mythology] persephone, [yuugiou gx] johan anderson, [ah! my goddess] skuld, [doctor who] 10th doctor, [fullmetal alchemist] sheska, [sonic:sega] wave the swallow, [firefly/serenity] kaylee frye, [legion of superheroes] lyle norg, [fullmetal alchemist] maes hughes

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Fortune-Telling [subthread] honoo_no_hime August 9 2008, 00:08:29 UTC
Instead of the traditional summer kimono, Mars sat at the booth wrapped in the shawl of a fortune-teller, pulled over her head as well. Small papers had been tied to a nearby tree, and identical ones (as well as brushes and ink) sat before the girl herself. Each of them looked blank, but on the other side was writing. Mars did not show what was inscribed on any of them yet. Candles, too, stood on the table, their flames flickering in the occasional breeze but not going out.

Beyond that, there was little to see at this particular table. The priestess greeted each passer-by the same way.

"Take a place at this booth to have your fortune shown to you."


futuremrssonic August 9 2008, 00:35:10 UTC
It had taken Amy a bit to figure out how to properly put on her new pink and white kimono, but after glancing around through the journals, she had found instructions and was pleased with the results. With the problem of clothing settled, the hedgehog made her way to the festival, eager to see what would be going on there.

Rei’s words had done well to catch her attention. Fortune telling... It was a skill that Amy had knowledge about and used before, though never to a great extent. The last important thing she remembered using it for was to predict Sonic's arrival when she had first met him. Maybe this seer would have something new to show her. It was never fun to do one's own fortune and it couldn't hurt, right?

Amy greeted the other with a smile as she stood before the booth. "What kind of fortunes do you do?"


honoo_no_hime August 9 2008, 00:42:36 UTC
"Come sit down," Mars offered, gesturing with a hand. "Usually I do fire-readings. But there are a lot of ways to view the future."

Predicting one's own, unless a vision struck you anyway, was sometimes considered a taboo. From necessity, Mars had never shied away from using her abilities to seek out information about events that would affect the state of the planet and its people - but Amy was quite right, about simple matters it was never as fun.

"What did you want to know more about?"


futuremrssonic August 9 2008, 00:51:30 UTC
That was one way that Amy had never seen done before. Curious, as well as excited now, she sat down. Anyone who knew her could easily guess what she would ask about. Not that she needed someone to reaffirm what she already knew would, without a doubt, happen, but she wouldn’t mind learning the little details concerning how she would eventually hook up with her hero.

Never one to disappoint, the preteen quickly settled on the topic she wanted more information about. “Can you do fortunes about love~?”


honoo_no_hime August 9 2008, 00:57:11 UTC
It was a very common request. Mars placed her hands together as she focused on the flame and on thoughts of the girl in front of her. She stayed that way, quietly, for a few moments with nothing seeming to happen.

After that short time, the flames of the candles flickered and joined into one in front of Mars. In them, clearly visible, was the face of a hedgehog.


futuremrssonic August 9 2008, 01:25:12 UTC
Was that…? It had to be! There was no one else that could possibly be. Amy’s eyes practically sparkled at the sight. Even the fire knew they were meant to be~!

“Is there anything else you can find out?” She was going to get all she could out of this. What would make Sonic say ‘I love you’, when they would be married, how many children they would have… All of these were questions she would happily accept the answers to.


honoo_no_hime August 9 2008, 01:36:17 UTC
"My powers aren't always that precise..." Mars cautioned the enthusiastic girl. "Was there something you had in mind?"

That had, in fact, become the problem in her world. Because of her accuracy - she wasn't Sailormars, child of that spiritual planet of the Flame, for nothing - the people who came to her shrine had expected her to see everything. Her powers were not always specific, or something that worked on-command, so to speak.

It wasn't that she couldn't at least try, and it wasn't even necessarily the case that she wouldn't see more. These sorts of readings weren't the type that required pushing herself to the point of exhaustion, but she could certainly make an effort.


futuremrssonic August 9 2008, 01:41:40 UTC
“Well...” So many questions she could ask, but she didn’t want to bother the girl, especially since there were many others who would like to have their fortunes told, too. Besides, while Amy wanted to know, she didn’t want to completely ruin the surprise of the future.

Something simple would have to do, then. “How about... What will our first date be like?” She had been so sure that a trip to Twinkle Park would commemorate the occasion, but now that they were both here, their first time being alone together would be far from what she imagined.


honoo_no_hime August 9 2008, 01:50:27 UTC
"Your first date with the person you like will be something enjoyable to both of you, something you both want to do."

In a sense, it was the true key to Amy's romantic hopes, and Mars didn't need the fire to tell her that much. The girl's crush would only come to fruition if it were something both parties desired. Rei's own history was full of events influenced by that same theme.


futuremrssonic August 9 2008, 02:01:24 UTC
Something they both wanted to do? It took Amy a moment, but it finally came to her. Running! Of course their date would include that. Not only was it Sonic’s favorite thing to do, but she found herself enjoying it, even if most of her time spent running was chasing after him.

In a sudden burst of energy, Amy stood up from her chair, hands placed on the table. “Thank you so much! I know exactly what to do now~!”


honoo_no_hime August 9 2008, 02:16:31 UTC
Mars was a little surprised at the sudden enthusiasm, but smiled at it. She couldn't have helped it, really. The pink girl was very cute. It reminded her of Ami-chan in her happier moods, or Usagi before things had gone wrong.

"Enjoy the festival, too," she reminded Amy.


futuremrssonic August 9 2008, 02:21:36 UTC
"I will! Thanks again, I appreciate it!" Another bright smile and a wave, then Amy was off to spend some more time at the festival before trying to execute her plan.

If she hadn't gotten so excited, she might have realized sooner that they hadn't exchanged names. Oh well, it was a small compound, she was sure to meet her later!


Fortune-Telling [subthread] littleoldforlad August 9 2008, 00:42:10 UTC
Garth was amused, clearly enough by the wry smirk on his face. He cast a glance around his surroundings, taking in the history lesson. If this was how they did things in ancient times.. more power to them if they can pull this off. His eyes then landed on the fortune teller- The heck is she doing. He approached and observed a moment, grinning widely. "Sooo-"

"This a kissing booth, or what?"


Re: Fortune-Telling [subthread] honoo_no_hime August 9 2008, 00:44:43 UTC
She didn't seem troubled by the abrasive attitude or that dismissive tone. Instead, Mars looked up at the newcomer.

"It's a fortune-telling booth," she told him. "Do you want to know yours?"


Re: Fortune-Telling [subthread] littleoldforlad August 9 2008, 01:04:50 UTC
Garth stood, wearing not the traditional bath robe/dress/kimono that he had been given, but rather his typical garb of tight fitting material that fit like spandex. He rolled his eyes briefly at the notion of a fortune teller, call it acute halo effect. After his experiances with Dream Girl, he was somewhat skeptic. He then chided himself. If Nura saw his reaction to being told that? She'd be on his case for.. Man.. especially after what happened with the Dark Circle.

Slowly, he nodded, "Yeah.. yeah sure." He said. ' Gee, I might just be growing as a person.' he thought.


Re: Fortune-Telling [subthread] honoo_no_hime August 9 2008, 01:09:14 UTC
She was both accustomed to and unused to skepticism. There was always half-belief and half-unbelief when people consulted her. Yet her reputation had gradually been built for accuracy - to the point her difficulty had become convincing others that she truly didn't know something too precise for her powers to allow her to see. As a result, the obvious hesitation didn't trouble her. It was very normal.

"What do you want to know about?" Typically, people came to her about love, or relationships, or jobs, or success.

(ooc: and anything I should know from his canon to make a vague-but-accurateish fortune? Dun worry, it'll be vague enough not to be metagamed XD)


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