[Thread] Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

Aug 04, 2008 21:03

Characters: OU! Rolo (Haliburton) Lamperouge, OU! Lelouch Lamperouge
Where: In the Courtyard
When: Soon after Lelouch's arrival.
Summary: After being separated for some time, Lelouch is reunited with his "brother."
Warnings: none, yet.

For in this world I'm bound to ramble. I have no friends to help me now. )

[code geass] lelouch lamperouge, location: plaza / fountain, [code geass] rolo haliburton, *complete

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0catstolemyhat0 August 5 2008, 08:14:38 UTC
Hearing that familiar call, Lelouch quickly turned around to pinpoint where such a welcoming sound had come from. No longer did he want to hear the strange voices around him either giving him cleverly vague accounts about why he was needed in this world or the equally confused ones who felt just as lost as he did. He longed for the presence of someone he knew, someone he trusted. Something to remind him of the home he’d been cruelly taken away from.

He was grateful that reminder came in the form of his only little brother, the one thing he would have regretted leaving behind most. When Lelouch finally spotted him amidst the crowd surrounding them, he hurried over to return the greeting, skipping right past the wave and pulling the smaller boy into his arms once he was close enough.

“Rolo... Thank goodness,” he murmured with obvious relief. While part of the older Britannian was cursing this peculiar world for daring to interfere with his family and take Rolo out of the otherwise safe perimeters of Ashford Academy, he couldn’t exactly complain if he was able to reunite with him all the same.


faketiming August 5 2008, 18:53:07 UTC
Pulled immediately into an embrace, Rolo was surprised. This was exactly the type of thing Lelouch did during that year they spent together while Lelouch's memories had be rewritten. Because of that, he shouldn't have been all that surprised, but it did confirm his suspicions. In his timeline, the Lelouch that had regained his memories wasn't as affectionate as he had been when he'd been without.

Realizing this, Rolo relaxed into the embrace. Things would work out much better this way. He'd rather have the memory-less Lelouch than the other, especially when this version was more willing to hold him and take care of him. There would be no competition with Lelouch's true sibling, Nunnally, at this point.

"Brother..." he replied softly, whispering into Lelouch's dark hair. He closed his eyes for a brief moment and enjoyed the simple brotherly affection. His hands came up and he placed them on Lelouch's back, comfortable in the closeness. "I'm so glad you're here with me. It won't be so lonely now."

Everything was perfect. Now all he needed was to make sure the others would keep silent about Nunnally or the Black Knights, and all would be well.


0catstolemyhat0 August 5 2008, 20:28:02 UTC
A sense of guilt promptly swept over him hearing that Rolo had spent his time here alone and less than happy. Though “less than happy” seemed to be the popular trend of demeanor in this world and with good reason too. Lelouch still was having issues coming to terms with his current circumstances and the illogical audacity of this so-called “Warden.”

But that was no longer important. The reasons he was needed here would only be considered if they happened to be beneficial towards getting him and Rolo out of this world and back to their home as soon as possible. Being the older of the two, the amnesiac Prince felt it was his utmost responsibility to bail both Rolo and him out of this mess.

Strengthening his hold and leaning so his cheek was pressed against his sibling’s, Lelouch replied just as softly, an apologetic tone in his voice.

“Forgive me. You know that I would have been here---no, saved you sooner if I had the ability. But I’m here now. I’ll make sure we get through this endeavor no matter what.” Which actually translated to “find a way to escape” but the taller teen had the distinct impression saying something of that nature aloud would have been a foolish idea.


faketiming August 9 2008, 18:25:38 UTC
"Brother..." Rolo murmured again, flushing lightly as Lelouch pulled him closer. Lelouch was warm and though he was not particularly muscular, his hold was strong. It was the first thing Rolo enjoyed since arriving.

He knew why they were both brought, of course. Lelouch didn't know it yet (and Rolo wasn't planning on telling him unless it was absolutely necessary), but his superior logic, tactical skills, and even his Geass would be excellent weapons in any battle. Rolo had seen this first hand. His own Geass and assassin training would also be useful, but he'd rather keep that secret so that he could maintain the relationship he had with Lelouch.

Of course, there might come a time when Lelouch's true memories might return, and Rolo had to be prepared for that. He wasn't sure how he would handle the situation. Here, there was no V.V. or Emperor to threaten either him or Lelouch. There really wasn't much of a reason at all for Rolo to keep secrets from Lelouch, but he wanted to stay Lelouch's fake brother as long as possible. He was the family that he always wanted; the love and affection he was never given. Rolo wanted to stay Lelouch's most important person.

"There's nothing to forgive, Brother. As long as you're here. That's all that matters. I know you'll come up with something."


0catstolemyhat0 August 11 2008, 23:29:44 UTC
“Ah,” Lelouch agreed simply. Of course he would come up with something. He had to. It didn’t matter that he currently thought there was absolutely nothing special about him that would make him a desirable draftee. However before he went about taking on such a seemingly impossible task, he was going to need all the information he could get, through Rolo or otherwise. Those he’d managed to come into contact with via the strange PDA he’d been provided were minorly helpful. He’d definitely have to keep that little device in mind, though knowing his steps would most definitely be monitored through it, he’d have to be exceptionally careful. How incongruous. Apparently all his experience in being able to devise ways to slip past Ms. Villetta for his make-up gym classes was actually going to pay off somehow. At least, he could hope anyway.

“That will require, first of all, becoming more acquainted with this place. As unfortunate as that is,” the violet eye boy eventually spoke again, sharing his thoughts with the one person he believed he could fully trust with them. Pulling back a bit, he tilted his head to better look at the younger Lamperouge, a soft, disarming smile on his lips. “What have you been up to during your time here anyhow?”


faketiming August 12 2008, 02:14:22 UTC
The color in Rolo's cheeks became more pronounced as Lelouch gave him the smile that warmed him to his toes. This was the Lelouch he had missed so much and was so glad to have back. This was the Lelouch he wanted to stay with forever.

"I've mostly been exploring, really," Rolo confessed easily, and it was the truth. The best way to escape from a place was to have as much knowledge of the layout before hand. Being able to know where to hide or where to lay an ambush were essential, and Rolo had been well trained in these types of things. Even if he had been without a mission and without his brother, he had been too deeply ingrained in the assassin's career to not have the desire to find as much information about his new home as possible. "I've kind of learned the layout of this place a bit, in hopes of finding a way of getting back to you."


0catstolemyhat0 August 13 2008, 19:02:09 UTC
Lelouch looked on at Rolo with a fond mix of affection and pride. He expected no less of his own flesh and blood and was glad to know they were on the same page. Rolo was a Lamperouge for a reason. Mildly concerned about the warm color gracing his younger brother’s cheeks, he placed the back of one of his cooler hands gently over the side of Rolo’s face in the hopes of evening out the temperature without detracting from the conversation at hand. If Rolo wasn’t feeling well, that only meant they’d have to escape from this place that much sooner, especially if this world was the cause of it.

“I don’t suppose you’ve found anything particularly helpful to aid us, have you?” He suspected a negative response to that. Rolo had mentioned he’d been trapped here a whole month. But there was also the off chance that the boy might have found something but never had the chance to exploit it without being caught, and if that was the case, Lelouch’s job would be a whole lot simpler. He’d come to somewhat perfect the art of elusion and distraction over the years at Ashford.


faketiming August 15 2008, 00:43:47 UTC
"Well, I have found out some information," Rolo replied, glad to please his brother. Lelouch was giving him the look that he had come to miss when the elder teen had regained his memories. And the cool hand on his cheek was even more comforting. Rolo raised his own hand and settled it over Lelouch's.

"It seems that any attempt to escape or harm others is prevented by the cuffs on our wrists. If we so much as try to think of doing something to hurt others, they respond with some sort of shock that renders us unconscious. I didn't try to test it." Rolo hadn't needed to test it. In his efforts to spy on other Econtrans, he had seen with his own eyes the result of trying to escape the effects of the cuffs. It was imperative that he express this to Lelouch as well, since he didn't want any harm to come to the former Prince. "It appears that we can also request certain items from the main system, which is called the Indigeo. I haven't figure out how yet, but that might be helpful, somehow. They probably won't give us anything that might aid in escape though."


0catstolemyhat0 August 15 2008, 07:35:51 UTC
“Mm... how troublesome,” Lelouch murmured absentmindedly, eyeing the wrist cuffs in question that were currently resting below their nearly joined hands atop Rolo’s face. He honestly hadn’t paid very much attention to the accessory upon his arrival. Of course he’d immediately noticed its presence but other than the tight fit, he had no reason to investigate it right away. The older Britannian was too smart to attempt escape without first acquiring enough information about his surroundings and as far as harm...well Lelouch knew his physical limitations. Most of the harm he could possibly cause was psychological, and that took a different sort of time and effort to execute properly.

Still, that was good information to know should he ever come into possession of weapons of some sort. The last thing he needed was to be knocked unconscious at some critical moment in time, whether he was trying to escape or otherwise. Also, he’d have to look into the limitations of this...”Indigeo” as well.

“Nevertheless, you’ve done well, Rolo. I’m sure that together, the two of us will be able to come up with something that will work out best for us both,” the teen reassured confidently as he slipped his hand free from Rolo’s and let it rest idly at his side once more, “In the meantime, I think we should stick together for as long as we’re able.”


faketiming August 15 2008, 07:57:57 UTC
Disappointed that Lelouch had dropped his hand, but confident that the affection would not diminish, Rolo nodded. Staying together as long as possible was a plan he had developed since Lelouch arrived, and he was not going to deviate from it any time soon. No, if anything, he'd do everything in his power to stay close to Lelouch, especially since this Lelouch had no memory of who he truly was. Or what he later became. Rolo wasn't about to let him know, either, and would do anything to prevent others from telling Lelouch as well. With luck, he had already convinced the Mao person, and Kallen didn't seem to know that Zero was truly Lelouch. Everything was set up perfectly for him to keep Lelouch in the dark.

"Mm, I think so too, Brother. I've been assigned a place to stay and have three other room mates, but you might be able to stay there until we find a place for you as well. I... I would prefer it if we could find a place together though." Rolo murmured. Even if I have to remove one of my room mates to make room, Brother. Nobody comes before you, he thought.


0catstolemyhat0 August 15 2008, 09:50:07 UTC
“Yes I would prefer that also,” Lelouch agreed. Rolo was all he had in this world, as well as his original, and he wasn’t about to let him go for anything. A silly housing assignment certainly couldn’t keep him away from his younger brother.

“In the meantime until I look into that, let’s hope I’ll be able to stay in your quarters without too much difficulty or inconvenience. Do you know your roommates very well? Will they mind?” Truth be told, Lelouch couldn’t imagine Rolo living with three strangers at all. It was difficult enough at times to get him to open up to the Student Council and he didn’t think he’d bothered with making any other friends. No wonder the younger boy had missed him. From what Lelouch knew of Econtra so far, it really seemed to be more of a social experiment than a military one and in his eyes, while he knew his brother could handle himself just fine in most social situations, his discomfort was sometimes rather obvious. That was all right though. Lelouch was rather accustomed to the burdens of popularity from being Vice President at Ashford and was more than willing to shield Rolo from having those burdens himself. And perhaps, secretly, he enjoyed being the only one the indigo eyed boy clung to for companionship anyway.


faketiming August 15 2008, 10:08:54 UTC
"I'm not sure..." Rolo replied hesitantly before looking up at his brother. "But it doesn't matter what they think. I'll let you sleep in my bed, if there's not enough room. Or... I'll deal with them somehow." The manic glint that shown briefly in his eyes was one that often appeared when Rolo was in his zealous mood. It came and went with a flash, but Rolo continued to cling to Lelouch. It was true that he wasn't good interacting with others, but it wasn't because he was delicate or shy as his brother or those at Ashford believed. It was because he did not know how to actually act like a child his age. He'd been forced to grow up too fast, forced into the dangerous world of politics and murder at a young age. And because of it, to others, he was often cold, apathetic, and blunt. But to Lelouch, he would always be the soft, quite boy he knew he had been forced to lock away. To Lelouch, he could really be the sixteen year old that he was.

From his pocket, Rolo withdrew his cellphone, from which dangled the small locket charm that Lelouch had given him for his first birthday. Of course, it had not actually been his true birthday; Rolo didn't know on which day his birthday actually landed. It had been the date of Nunnally's birthday, but Rolo could never tell Lelouch that. No, it had been his birthday, he told himself. And Lelouch had given the gift to him because he cared. Not because he had thought of Rolo as Nunnally.

The small, golden charm made a small tinkling noise from where it dangled on it's chain. Rolo brought the phone up to his chest, holding it close while a smile curved on his lips. "I'll take care of them, Brother. Don't worry. They won't be in the way at all."


0catstolemyhat0 August 16 2008, 02:16:31 UTC
“If you’re sure, Rolo...” Lelouch trailed off, not exactly sure what to think of Rolo’s assuredness in being able to convince his roommates to allow him to stay. Perhaps the brunette had picked up a few handy social skills after all. He couldn’t help but find the thought endearing of his brother taking after himself in such a way.

The dark-haired former prince was further charmed when Rolo then pulled out the locket he’d given the other boy for his last birthday. It never failed to make him swell with a certain amount of pride at how much the other seemed to cherish his gift so much and knowing he still managed to keep it with him after enduring the absurd experience of being transported to another world made it that much more meaningful. The glint in his own violet eyes reflected nothing but his doting fondness.

Completely oblivious of any less than pure intentions of the other male he still had one of his arms around, Lelouch patted Rolo’s shoulder in a gesture for them to begin moving, hopefully to a less public area now that they had minor plan of action in mind.

“Shall we head there now, then?”


faketiming August 16 2008, 02:55:47 UTC
Positively beaming, Rolo nodded. The way Lelouch looked at him filled him with pride and pleasure. He held out a hand, indicating the direction he would take. With Lelouch by his side, they walked to his apartment, and Rolo had never been more happy in his life.


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