[Thread] What's a rich boy to do

Jul 24, 2008 09:26

Characters: Siegfried, OPEN
Where: Northeast corner of the park
When: During the day
Summary: Siegfried is out in the park while his living room is being painted
Warnings: None yet

...when there's no one to pamper him )

[yuugiou gx] marufuji ryou, [yuugiou] seigfried von schroider, [kingdom hearts] larxene, [digimon] ishida yamato, [darkwing duck] drake mallard/darkwing

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dark_friendship July 24 2008, 19:58:11 UTC
Yamato worked out in the section of the park he'd picked for himself, moving gracefully and quickly. His sword might be blunted, but he'd grown used to that and went through the motions anyway, moving with all the skill that only years of practice could possibly impart to a person.

He let himself sink fully into the workout, wiping away the concerns that haunted him every other time. There was just him and the sword, the sword and him. The weapon was little more than an extension of himself as he whirled, leapt, flipped, and flowed all over.


sieggyrose July 24 2008, 20:05:58 UTC
Siegfried had stopped for lunch. He'd set himself on the ground to enjoy the simple sandwich he'd put together all by himself. This break allowed himself the time to look around and watch others who'd come to the park. As he'd guessed, the park seemed to be a rather popluar area, even this remote spot.

Siegfried soon spotted a young man moving with a grace and skill that Siegfried himself was trying to gain. Siegfried's eyes tracked the young fellow, following his movements and trying memorize what he was seeing.


dark_friendship July 24 2008, 20:15:41 UTC
When Yamato finally finished, he was only the slightest bit out of breath. It took sparring against someone to really get him to work up a sweat, though this solitary workout was good too. Maybe he'd look up Jaenelle when he had a chance, since Atem was also a victim of the sudden comas.

He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing some of it out of his eyes, thinking he'd have to get a haircut of some kind soon, then noticed someone was looking at him. It wasn't the first time he'd been watched while he worked out, of course. But he thought he recognized this person from when he'd been a unicorn.

He grinned a little, feeling a trifle mischevious now that he'd worked out and had his blood flowing all nicely. "You didn't stare that much when I was a unicorn, you know."


sieggyrose July 24 2008, 20:21:40 UTC
Siegfried blinked, surprised to discover that he'd met this fellow before. He rifled briefly through his memory of that meeting to recall the unicorn's name. "Ah! Herr Yamato! I wasn't studying you when you were a unicorn."


dark_friendship July 24 2008, 20:33:30 UTC
Yamato noticed the rapier by the other and tilted his head a little. "Studying me?" That was a slightly new one. Just watching he was used to. He didn't quite think the other looked to be a regular student of the sword, of any kind.


sieggyrose July 24 2008, 20:35:55 UTC
Siegfried noticed Yamato's glance stray towards the rapier. "Ja, studying. It seems proper to learn what is necessary to defend myself."


dark_friendship July 24 2008, 20:38:01 UTC
"You'd learn faster with someone to teach you," Yamato told him. "It's not quite the same learning by yourself." There was the weight of experience in his voice as he spoke, since he'd learned that the hard way.


sieggyrose July 25 2008, 02:14:24 UTC
"You may be right," Siegfried agreed. He took a dainty bite out of his sandwich, and continued after he swallowed. "My father insisted on fencing lessons when I was younger, but it has been some years since I've handled a foil, and I've never worked with an actual rapier before."


dark_friendship July 25 2008, 02:32:44 UTC
"I've been using my sword for a few years now," Yamato said, glancing at his own weapon. "It started off something to keep me occupied when there wasn't much else to do, and now I can't imagine being without it."


sieggyrose July 25 2008, 02:41:10 UTC
"It is a good way to keep in shape, which is part of why I came out here." Siegfried looked thoughtful, wondering if he should ask Yamato to teach him. He kept silent however, about his other reason for learning the sword. He had a friend now, and he wanted to be able to keep that friend safe.


dark_friendship July 25 2008, 02:48:01 UTC
He nodded in agreement. He was certainly in good shape. Bakura had...no, he pushed that thought away quickly, not wanting to let his emotions get the better of him right now. When he'd been younger, he hadn't cared about crying in front of someone else, but things were different now.

"I've been taught by three different people over the last few years. It takes a lot of practice to be really, really good."


sieggyrose July 25 2008, 02:54:41 UTC
"I would settle for passable," Siegfried responded. He didn't normally set the bar at mediocrity, however true proficiency would take time. Mediocrity would do for a start, and Siegfried could work on improving from there.


dark_friendship July 25 2008, 03:11:41 UTC
"I wish a sword could actually do something against the Entropi, though." He ran his finger along the flat of the blade, thinking of that day of the attack. It hadn't been good. He'd just barely been able to get himself and Bakura out of there with their lives.


sieggyrose July 25 2008, 12:55:02 UTC
"Just what are these Entropi? And how can they be defeated?" Siegfried asked. One should always know the enemy.


dark_friendship July 25 2008, 19:37:01 UTC
"Giant balls of energy that can destroy just about anything or anyone they touch or attack. They suck the life out of things." Yamato recalled his experience quite vividly. "And the only way that I know of involved magic-users. Which I couldn't do to save my life." Which really irked him, too.


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