[Thread] What's a rich boy to do

Jul 24, 2008 09:26

Characters: Siegfried, OPEN
Where: Northeast corner of the park
When: During the day
Summary: Siegfried is out in the park while his living room is being painted
Warnings: None yet

...when there's no one to pamper him )

[yuugiou gx] marufuji ryou, [yuugiou] seigfried von schroider, [kingdom hearts] larxene, [digimon] ishida yamato, [darkwing duck] drake mallard/darkwing

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zappy_bitch July 24 2008, 19:36:13 UTC
The usual ramble of any little groups in the center of the park never caught the blond's attention, there was no point in bothering people in groups. They could just ignore someone and move on with their stupid little lives. Which was exactly the reason she sought after the people by themselves. So easy to taunt and so hard for them to ignore her! It was absolutely perfect.

Grinning to herself Larxene took to perching in a nearby tree, feet hanging down from where she was. "You know, a dull weapon isn't much of a thing to practice with! The weight and make will be weirder when you have a real one."


sieggyrose July 24 2008, 19:41:52 UTC
By this point in his practice, Siegfried had warmed up enough to shed his jacket and shirt. The clothing had been carefully folded and set on top of the basket Siegfried had brought. The man himself was clumsily going through the barely recalled maneuvers from his lessons.

A voice disturbed Siegfried and he paused, first looking around and then up to spot a young woman in a tree. "Perhaps you are correct, Fräulein. But this is what I was given when I made my request."


zappy_bitch July 24 2008, 19:47:05 UTC
In reality she didn't seem phased in the least bit by the fact that he didn't have a shirt on, that wasn't a big deal. Hell, she couldn't have cared any less right then. Taunting someone was much better than drooling like a moron. Not that she would, that wasn't her.

Smirking a tiny bit by the surprised look he seemed to be, in her mind anyway, she hopped down from her branch. She didn't seem to have a single issue with landing, standing once she was steady on the ground again. From beneath the coat she pulled what appeared to be some sort of kunai, dulled obviously. "They even take your personal weapons and dull the damn things. It's horrible."


sieggyrose July 24 2008, 19:53:52 UTC
Siegfried studied the strange little knives curiously. They didn't look like they'd be much use in a fight, but the woman held them as though she knew exactly what to do with them. It seemed to him that antagonizing anyone who handled a weapon with such ease would be a bad idea, so Siegfried decided to remain on his best behavior.

"It is a shame, Fräulein," he agreed. Slipping into the barely remembered en garde stance, Siegfried performed a lunge, stabbing at one of the trees with his dull blade.


zappy_bitch July 24 2008, 19:57:49 UTC
They certainly packed a punch when they were electrified in some manner as well, one of the reasons she kept the silly little things so obvious. They seemed fairly harmless to most people but... well, when one can hit pinpoint spots with ease they become deadly.

"Any fool can stab and swing a sword, it takes a talented hand to actually wield it."


sieggyrose July 24 2008, 20:01:42 UTC
"Ja, Fräulein," Siegfried agreed, wondering where this was leading. "I had fencing lessons when I was younger, but there have been a few years between then and now."


zappy_bitch July 24 2008, 20:04:51 UTC
She couldn't help but laugh a little when she head the word 'fencing'. That wasn't a valid method of fighting, at least not in her book. "Fencing? Fencing? Honestly, that's not real fighting!"


sieggyrose July 24 2008, 20:08:42 UTC
Siegfried blinked and tried not to look insulted as the woman began laughing. "What is wrong with fencing? It is what I know."


zappy_bitch July 24 2008, 20:10:06 UTC
"You can't kill a person with fencing! It teaches nothing more than a rich man's competition. It's not a practical way of fighting." Like she was one to talk about 'practical'.


sieggyrose July 24 2008, 20:13:47 UTC
Siegfried smiled at this assessment of the sport. "As I said, it is simply what I know. I do not wish to kill anyone. I wish to learn to protect."


zappy_bitch July 24 2008, 20:18:18 UTC
To protect? What a stupid prospect unless it was about one's self. Scoffing a little at this she merely crossed her arms to watch him. "To kill is to protect and to protect is to kill. If you're protecting yourself you're bound to kill someone at the extreme to protect yourself."


sieggyrose July 24 2008, 20:26:27 UTC
"I hope it doesn't go that far," Siegfried stated. He began clumsily moving through a few more hardly remembered maneuvers.


zappy_bitch July 24 2008, 20:29:25 UTC
For the time being she was silent, at least until she noticed the clumsy fact. "Oh come on, are you really that rusty? I've seen kids wield weapons better than that. Hell, I don't use swords and yet I can wield a sword better than that."


sieggyrose July 24 2008, 20:33:38 UTC
Siegfried wasn't terribly ruffled by the young woman's criticism for he really was that rusty. "It has been a long time, Fräulein. I do most of my work on a computer and fight most of my battles with cards. This has become foreign to me."


zappy_bitch July 24 2008, 20:40:28 UTC
This was getting boring for her, he wasn't taking any of her bait. "Battles with cards? That sounds a bit familiar. Gotta say though, still can't battle with cards and not use weaponry."


sieggyrose July 25 2008, 02:07:14 UTC
"I suppose that might depend upon the sort of cards," Siegfried pointed out. The young lady was seeming less of a threat, which suited Siegfried well enough.


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