[Thread] I Come Bearing Gifts

Jul 01, 2008 20:18

Characters: OU Tony Stark, OU Urd
Where: Paj-Deka (Urd's room)
When: an hour after this conversation
Summary: Tony feels guilty about what he said to Urd yesterday. He's going over to make a proper apology. Or something like that.
Warnings: Bribery. lol. Not really. None.

Tony spent an hour making his apology gift to Urd. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Making apology gifts for women people. He hoped it didn't become a habit for him.

The gift was crude, but he hoped it did the trick. It was currently residing in his pocket, curled up against itself, a comforting weight that Tony could feel if he concentrated on it hard enough. (It was actually quite light.) It was in his coat pocket--the businessman was fully decked out today, seeing as how he wanted to look good while presenting his sorry ass to one of the few friends he had around here. And who he had deeply upset with a few stupid words.

His dark hair was slicked back, he had a pair of dark sunglasses covering his ice-blue eyes, and the suit looked perfectly pressed. It was blue, and the dark tie matched exactly. He smelled good, too.

But none of that really mattered if Urd hated his guts. His hand slipped into his pocket and fingered the tiny present as he stood in front of Paj-Deka. Oddly comforted by its cool metallic feel, he knocked on the door and waited for an answer, slipping his hand back out and letting both hang at his sides.

[ah! my goddess] urd, [ironman] tony stark/ironman

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