[Thread] Test flight!

Jul 01, 2008 19:07

Characters: AU!Pikachu (starring as Pidgeot), OPEN
Where: Pretty much all over Neocontra, within the permitted flying zone xP
When: Daytime, during the transformation plot
Summary: Pikachu's decided it's time to try his wings~
Warnings: None~
Notes: New character = new thread, or feel free to jump in on an existing one~

Getting outside had been a bit of a trial, and Pikachu repressed a sigh as he glided the short distance to the fountain, before landing. He shook himself a little before grooming. Once done, he eyed the sky, anxiety in every nerve. He had no idea just how high he could go, but he trusted that the cuff now around his left leg would warn him when he was getting too close.

But it was time to try out his wings, and the electric mouse turned large bird spread them, instinctively launching into the air with a triumphant "Pigdeot!" Of course, he could still talk, but for now, it was fun to be a Pidgeot. He circled a few times, just enjoying the feel of the wind in his feathers, before turning to fly over the park. This was fun!"

location: park

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