[Thread] Damsel causing distress

Jun 30, 2008 16:33

Characters: Dorothea SaDiablo (AU:Tersa has been transformed), Open to the brave
Where: Around Econtra
When: About an hour after this, in the evening
Summary: Tersa has turned into a very manipulative and dangerous Black Widow witch, Dorothea SaDiablo. And she's looking for someonething to do.
Warnings:  Run!  Run awaaay!!

Dorothea's sleeves covered her long slender hands, whose fingernails were long and tinted black. Beneath that one particular ring finger was her Black Widow venomous snake tooth. Her little secret. She felt like she needed to be on edge in a place like this... Whereever this place was. She hated it. But, as a Lady, and a powerful Priestess, she would survive by using those around her. It was bad enough that she had been trapped in some pathetic room. What was worse was she both could sense and smell Tersa's psychic-and unbroken- scent all over the room.

Her expression was quite perplexed as the dreary buldings became reality in her sights. Peering out of a locked window? She could have been dreaming. But this was solid, this was the mass of a ruined town... Dorothea held her head high, black hair in ringlets over her shoulders and her delicious velvet cape swirling about her ankles as she walked through this tragic place. At least this wasn't Hell.

[kingdom hearts] sora, [black jewels] tersa, [buffy / angel] willow rosenberg, *complete

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