not bad at all. i spent the majority of my weekend sitting on the couch with my computer. i have the stiffness in my neck, shoulders, lower back, and knees to prove it. but i guess i got a lot done. this is all that's left of my to-do list:
Re-submission To Do List
- write letter regarding changes to thesis
- print all chapters, etc.
- get photocopies made
- edit appendice CD menu
- burn appendice CDs
- print labels for thesis binders
- print, fill out, and sign forms
- package all copies, forms, letter, etc. (don't forget payment for translator!)
- mail package
i even did all the optional stuff. okay, my complete read-through and edit was kinda sketchy, but i skimmed each chapter as i checked spelling and formatting and so on. i don't know if my changes (and not changes) will satisfy my external examiner (or even my advisor), but i'm pretty happy with the result. my thesis really is much better than the original version. not that i don't still resent having to revise and resubmit, but i've finally reached a state of acceptance. of course, that could just be because i'm done. well, i stll have to write the letter describing the changes i've made, and my state of acceptance may fly out the window during that effort, but at the moment i'm pretty good. i should be able to get everything printed, and maybe even taken to Kinko's, tomorrow. as Wednesday is my "deadline" for taking the whole thing in for photocopying, i'm pretty good with this. hehe. close to the wire, but so what?anyway, the cleaners should be done and gone by now, so i'm going to head home.