Daily Goal
428 / 300 words. 143% done!
Chapter Goal
2515 / 1500 words. 168% done!
Chapter Goal
111 / 100 words. 111% done!
Weekly Goal
2626 / 1500 words. 175% done!
Overall Goal
7926 / 7500 words. 106% done!
STILL NOT actually done
played badminton on Wednesday. that was fun. though i nearly went blind from looking up at the lights all the time. went back to my office and did some work before leaving school. still having trouble with getting a simulation to do what i want one to do. when i left, i had enough time to go to the gym, but i decided that i'd already had my exercise for the day. good thing, too. by the time i got home (by way of the video store), i had a horrific headache. fell asleep in my chair at 8 pm. at midnight, i crawled into bed and slept until 9 am. okay, i got up a few times to eat more Advil. still felt kinda brain ouchy yesterday, so i gave myself the day off. the muscles in my forearm hurt from the unaccustomed racquet work. my back of my neck hurt pretty badly, too, and i'm not sure if that was from the badminton or the headach or combo thereof. so i vegged in front of the TV all day. i did manage to get myself to go to the gym. the increased blood flow made my head hurt more while i was working out, but i felt better when i got home. fell asleep at 8 pm again, though.
woke up today at 8 am or so. still a little sore in the forearm and neck, but my head okay. finished writing my General Summary & Conclusion chapter and wrote up the quickie so-called chapter that is my Contributions to Knowledge. that means all my chapters are done! go me! i still have to write an abstract, but that's only three hundred words or so. i'll do it on Monday. then i just have to do the Table of Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables, and the Title Page. well, and the References, but that's why they invented EndNote. and to think i was worried that i wouldn't be able to finish before i left for Christmas. now i'm gonna have nearly two weeks off! whee!