
Feb 01, 2006 19:24

Have been doing "Ibsens Spa" two times a day since Monday, last day tomorrow. Am looking foward to get it overwith. To finally be done with it. Sure, I love my role and stuff, but we miss out on other classes, and it's difficult to give a lot of yourself, doing your best, when the 15-year old audience hardly understands anything of what you're doing and is generally too insecure and scared to laugh at the right places. Oh, well.
We had a crisis today. Andreas, a guy who plays a rather important part in the play, was very ill, so Charlotte had to do his part, as it fit perfectly with shifts and stuff. So we're two actors short. See, last Monday, before playing at a local library, a girl in our class had to go to the hospital because she has a virus on her brain. We found out a few hours before playing. Luckily, we managed to combine two roles, so that another girl plays both parts.
I'm impressed by our group's ability to handle situations like the ones mentioned.

I'm really looking forward to the concert on Sunday. Death Cab For Cutie, you know. I'm completely in love with them and listen to them basically all the time. I love most of the lyrics. And the melodies.

My grades weren't that great, but I'm pleased enough. I know I'll improve them, so it's OK.

Starting with the highest ones.

Religion & Ethics 6
Norwegian, written 6
Norwegian, oral 6
Drama & Society 5 (Will be 6 next term)
Theatre Production 2 5 (Will do my very best to get a 6 next term)
Newer History 5 (Will also attempt to get 6 next term)
Theatre History 24 (Did not deliver any of the assigments, the teacher told me she just based the grade on how she knows I am, or something)
New Norwegian 4 (A disappointing grade I am determined to improve)
Motion Shaping (bevegelsesforming) 4 (Will attempt to get 5)
P.E. 3 (Even though I delivered a very good written assignment. I think the teacher is very unfair. She said she'd been very strict with the grades. Argh. Will get 4 next term.)

Grades for subjects I had during my first and second year, randomly written, which I can't be bothered to bold:

First year:

Drama 6 (Had this subject with a different teacher than our "real" drama teacher, and with music and dance students, as our class consisted of both drama, dance and music students during first year)
Drama 1 5 (The real thing. With the "real" teacher.)
Drama 2 5 (I'm not quite sure of the difference between Drama 1 and 2, can't really remember, but I think it has to do with like, physical stuff and spiritual stuff. Uh-huh.)
English 6 (And this from the teacher seen as one of the bitchiest at school, who gave me a 4 the first term that year, told me she hardly ever gave 6 to students the first year, but then I actually bothered to do homework, and KABLAM. So, yes, I'm kind of proud of that grade.)
Art history 5
Mathematics 3 (Agh. I had 5 in this subject when at ungdomsskolen, and then we got the crappiest teacher in secondary school and he's a bitch and bleugh. Not proud of that grade.)
Music 4 (Music theory is kind of difficult, awkay? Especially when you can't concentrate during class.)

Second year:

Philosophy 4
French 4
Science 4
Social Studies 5
Theatre History 1 5
Theatre Production 1 5

And yes, there is a reason for it being called "Theater History 1" and "2", since they are independent grades. I guess that's because the curriculum and expectations are different in each year.

I can't think of much else worth writing, except from a reminder that I have a Norwegian Only LJ by the name of vindauge. Add ahead, as I'll be using it to invite people to fun stuff at my house, and such.

Oh, I by the way love the way the lyric to this song begins, and all the images and wonderful relations in it and I love it and yes.
My English skills are slowly fading. It's scary and sad.
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