ZOMG! It's Sims 3 stuff.
Anyways this is my first Sims 3 legacy thing. Also the first post I've made in this community in forever.
Anyone still here?????
lol.. omg. O.o
So anyways, I'm not following some Legacy Challenge rules! I'm doing my own thing. HOWEVER, I'm trying not to use any cheats. I do use a few that I find important for the sake of my own entertainment and happiness, but if I use them I will say so!
-My big cheat is that I will be having all sims with aging off once they reach "Young Adult". My sims will never grow old. Such realism I know!
-Then second I will very often use the editsim hack to makeover my townies. However, I will never change or even look at favourites or traits when I do so! I like surprises too and I don't want to spoil them for myself. So I edit face and sometimes hair ONLY. Not really a cheat.. just a hack.
No other cheats will be used in this thing. Especially no money cheats. (I will use that male preg hack though for any all male couplings... but that's not a cheat really).
Sorry about the Belmina Legacy for Sims 2 BTW. My stupid computer ate some of it before I got my new laptop (Just my text though for some reason). I can still rewrite but... I'm getting distracted with Sims 3 ATM. D:
On with the weirdness:
WARNING!! Contains vast amounts of girly men, age defying sims, lots 'o gay, infinite blockage of toilet, editsim abuse, and future preg of men. You have been WARNED!
And so here is My founder, Luma Belarose.
On his new empty lot and dreaming of a sparkly house whilst looking constipated.
His traits and favourites are all here:
And his new house suddenly materializes behind him. YAY! :D
Luma: "I think Blue lipstick is radical!"
No cooking skill = me afraid of retarded sim fires. Thusly, Luma is instructed to create only Autumn Salad. Yes.
His pants are NOT tight enough. :D
Luma is a "Neat" sim. So this dirty plate is causing him great offense and internal explosion.
Cooking point GET!
No fires allowed!
Luma is also instructed to get a job because the cost of his house only left him with 78 simoleons.
The newspaper today is full of fail and aids. It also has no shadow and is therefore some kind of demon newspaper. Do. Not. Want!
Because of the newsterror and it's lack of appropriate jobs, Luma goes to the source and gets a job at the bistro.
THIS creeper stared at him intently as he went about his business.
Because Luma does not start his new job for 2 stupid days, I sent him out to find a lover. I came across this thing.
It's looks were not offensive (due to a previous editsim makeover bwaha)... but the hair causes retina detachment.
Luma asks if fug-hair man is single and it reminds the guy of a worm's dying moments.
Worm death offends fug-hair and he becomes insulted by Luma's question. Also, fug-hair is not single. Why do I feel like I could not care less. Luma is also nonchalant about the whole thing.
Luma gives up on mate-finding and goes home. THIS was walking down the street beside his house.
This thing is Scarlet Deville. He lives across the street from Luma. He is evil.
Do not be fooled. This is Luma's lonely face!
Having no money left, Luma still has the great sense to spend 30 simoleons on pizza. It is comfort food.
No actually, it was part of Luma's master plan to meet the pizza delivery guy. Who is actually hot. So tomorrow it's pizzaman harassment day!
Highly appropriate attire for making breakfast.
The above statement x 2.
I can see into the neighbour's house! It's NOT Count D with his new BF.
OMG. It's that Pizzaman in casual wear. Luma invited him over. (Yes I editsim'd his face previously. It's my bad habit. But I edited only face and looked at nothing else).
BTW, it's name is TORGO. WTF kind of name is that??? Last name is Pendragon. Now Luma HAS to marry it. No exceptions!
Luma: "I like RAVER music! Do you!?"
Torgo: "OMG for seriously!? Raver music is the shiznit!"
Two-men-holding-hands points GET!
Luma tried to kiss Torgo and was REJECTED! WTF TORGO! How dare you cause him to make this face!
Don't SMILE. It is NOT okay!
Your hugs do nothing.
Rejection number two!
So forlorn!
Yes... you are a dragon that shoots poo and not fire. You SUCK!
You also only have.... ONE trait??? WTF dude! Seriously!
...and it checks the sink... OH GOOD. I'm so happy I think I know what Torgo's one and ONLY trait is... >_<
Luma eats leftover pizza and in a fit of rejection rage, offers Torgo NONE!
It's his "I'm not through with you yet" face.
Nope... you are going down!
And finally. Torgo gives in!
Torgo: "I like kissing you now! You smell like my work!!" :DDD
And he even agrees to be Luma's boyfriend. The key was to smell like pizza! YES!
Smell like aphrodisiac Pizza.
No longer the forlorn face. Yay!
Torgo: "Well, now that I kissed you for the first time five minutes ago, I think it's appropriate for us to go all the way! Because it just makes sense!"
Sim Logik iz verry LoGiKaL!
Torgo's underwear is the colour of toilet duck.
Speaking of toilet... Wtf. Seriously guys. What did you do!?
fthydghchc NO! Worst uniform ever! That hat does not work for you, Luma! No! It does not!
It goes with your shit-on-wheels though.
This old man in a business suit drives the carpool... why?
I can see you watchin' your TVs!!!
Another of Luma's neighbours. Across the street and right next to Scarlet Deville. It's halloween every day at this guy's house. He is also quite evil.
This is Luma's "Murder you in a dark alley" face.
The usual breakfast and underwear.
Luma got Promoted. But the hat is still there!! DDD:<
Okay.. STOP IT!
I don't know if it's the toilet or if it's what Luma is EATING. No more pancakes or your lover's pizza!
It's Torgo time again!
Luma invites him inside and he's got this miserable face on!
Cheer up or GTFO!!!
Okay... WTF EAxis. This is the THIRD time in two days. I know it's a cheap toilet.. but really now!
Ignore the blocked toilet and sink explosion. Makeout time is now!
Also proposal time!
Torgo: *womanly squeal*
And because these two have no friends, they had a private wedding. Yay.
Yes. Everyone hates the toilet. You are not alone.
I fixed up his attire a bit now that he is part of the family.
He looks stoned now though.
Now in new underwear that is not made of toilet cleanser! He can parade in that for a while.. seeing as looking good is all Torgo is good at! Seriously.. his one trait is NEUROTIC and he has NO skill points. And because he moved in with Luma (bringing only 2028 simoleons with him), he now has NO job. So he is now just a FORMER pizza delivery guy. Torgo, a winner is YOU!
Good thing Luma still loves you and all your short-bus ways!
Luma has gone to the store to buy some cook books!
OMG. It is Maurice Lenoir. LMFAO.
If anyone can guess WHAT cartoon character this guy was modeled after (or even just the show he's from) you will win 50 internets! Seriously.. NO ONE will guess this EVER!
(If you are a friend of mine, you cannot guess because it will be cheating!)
Luma will now engage in conversation because he needs friends!
This thing is in it's formal wear at the park... why?
This guy's name is Valen Nightingale. He is on his cel phone.
Talking to a friend in... France?
Good thing you have haxx0r money to pay your phone bills buddy!
Double EVIL. And he likes RAVER music too!!
BTW.. this thing is the guy who has the Halloween house.
Torgo: "Where is my husband? I am LONELY!!!" :'(
Luma is back.
Is sex time nao?
Yes. It is.
...............To be continued.
And lest we forget. The Traits of Torgo Pendragon!
And next time it's going to be that terrifying mpreg hack and toddler time. Oh the horror... D: