saturday in the park

Jun 12, 2005 00:15

just got home a short time ago from Ripon. my cousin Juan's son JJ graduated from high school yesterday, so they invited the family out for a BBQ and softball. the softball never happened, but a few of us did some hitting and fielding. with a baseball. i can't remember how long its been since i've hit a baseball. its definitely wasn't easy, but it was fun. it was odd catching fly balls since the ball is a lot smaller than what i've become accustomed to in my long softball career.

later on, we started throwing a football around. we got a game of two-hand touch going. i was on the team that looked to have a huge size disadvantage. i caught every pass that was thrown my way, including our 4th touchdown. we won 42-35. after a day in the sun, all the running around, and about 5 beers, i am beyond wiped out. time to shower, watch the end of Saturday Night Live, and fall asleep.


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