The Case of the Carrot Cake Cupcake Contemplation

Oct 22, 2010 08:08

I had a carrot cake cupcake for breakfast. It was an epic orgasm in my mouth. Just saying.

Probably not the most healthy of things to have for breakfast but oh well. And FUCK ME DEAD I've just realised my lunch is still in my car which is with my housemate. *WEEPS* My lovely chicken salad and carrot sticks with french onion dip.

LOL and as I type this my housemate rings to tell me my lunch is in the back of the car.

So far my Friday is turning out to be a mixed bag. On the one hand: Carrot Cake Cupcake. On the other hand: I forgot my lunch and have very little money on me to buy some. If today is going to be like this I will be in a permanent state of blissed out paranoia.

food: sweets for breakfast baby, my brain is elsewhere, case of the stupids

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