Sweet dreams are made of this

Oct 21, 2010 08:38

It was ridiculously hard to get out of bed this morning. The snooze button was rather viciously abused, I must admit and I'm not one to make use of the snooze button usually. From sleep to upright is how I roll though I am hardly human until I've had a cuppa.

There is this tea mug at T2 that I am lusting over (yes I am lusting over a tug mug) that is big, looks a bit like a science beaker and lets you brew proper tea. I want one for home and one for work because tea is important *nods sagely*

No real inclination to be working lol but hardly surprising after auction day. I might get the few things done I need to and sit doing some plotty plot plotting. Or vid storyboarding. *shrugs* I've got both my lined Moleskine and sketchbook Moleskine in my bag so I could do either or.

work: busy but not, creativity: vid, creativity: writing, sleep: needs more, drinking tea like a boss

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