
Sep 20, 2006 12:53

Outdoor photos from my trip to FMG this past Saturday.
First, I went to the children's garden area.
Go figure.

A tree house.

Oooh look at the cute little horsey.

A pirate ship.

Up on the tree house.

A little "nest" area.

I love wobbly bridges!

Then on into the sculpture park.

Did I say little?!
Funny Story: pixelsrzen and I were chatting and he told me about the Da Vinci horse at FMG.
I googled it and found an image of people standing next to it - I couldn't believe how big it was!
I told him I'd have to go to the gardens and get a photo of me standing under the hoof kinda bent backwards with my hands in front of my face going, "AAAAHHHH!"
That's exactly what those little kids were doing when I went over there lol.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with being a kid at heart!


A giant shovel.

Somebody feed this thing!!

That's quite a sexy profile you have there.

Haha it looks normal-sized from here.

Man/woman depending on the angle.

Sooo there was this really wooded area that I walked back into. I'm all by myself. There's nobody around except for some old lady I had passed awhile ago.
Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see this!

I gasped and almost peed my pants.

Hmm... I wonder what Freud would make of this place.

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