(no subject)

Mar 04, 2007 23:39

Soooooooooooooooooooooo I don't know what I'm going to do laptop-wise anymore. I'm hoping I can just have the desktop when I move out and take the school's Mac package so, you know, I can have everything legally and still have all my game and downloaded free- and shareware. Blarg. I need some help with this. Maybe they'll let me take the package minus the laptop annd insurance and just have the programs and mass-storage device that I believe is an iPod...
Anyways, waiting for velvetjinx to get back to me on her commissions so I can either revise or get to work on the final pieces. Thankfully, spring break is coming up so I can take care of that. And do all my homework. And find a job for the summer. And go to the film festival. And maybe get my portfolio together, just in case. Even if it sucks. Aren't art school spring breaks awesome?! All the work, none of the classes for a whole week! Yay!
On a less sarcastic note, I'm reading Doctor Faustus and praying I'm reading up to the right point. I should have just brought the book...
And now, for a to do list.

1. Write essay for Narrative Cinema
2. Write paper for Stalker 101/Observing Humans
3. Storyboard and film for Film
4. Finish Doctor Faustus for Texts and Contexts
5. Go on spring "break"
6. Storyboard and write treatment for Animation
7. Possibly do Bolex film for Film (FUCKIN' BOLEX! IT HAUNTS ME!)
8. Finish whatever other projects I have to do
9. Go to something at the festivals with Chris
10. Assume the fetal position and cry in a corner

There's drawing for animators in there to but... let's not get into that...

On a lighter note, I played Creepy Tuna Fairy in Graham's film and he lent me the Death Note movie and first disc of the anime. Nearly a fair trade. If only there had been a sword in there somewhere...

animation, deargodwhy?!, film festivals, observing humans, job, classes, drawing, college, film, texts and contexts, narrative cinema, summer

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