Jan 13, 2009 13:01
I use my myspace much more often so if you get really ambitious, look me up there.
If you feel like emailing me: soon.2brn@gmail.com OR quinn.family98@gmail.com. I use both although one is specifically mine, the other Dan uses as well.
I'm still looking for a job. My unemployment was approved, then the casino fought it so it is in appeal. I have my hearing next Tuesday which is daunting. I know i am in the right...for once lol...but they have high powered attorneys and money to spare, and I'm flat ass broke and know nothing about the laws. We'll see though.
I'm trying to find a way to buy this house. It's 3 doors down from where we are, and it's dirt cheap. It's a spectacular home, and I want it. Although with my job situation... Still...
I'm sad that you guys are moving, but I'm happy that you have found each other. I am more sad that I am not getting to say good-bye. I hope it works out though.
A gf got hit by the crazy train earlier and wants me to look up some of these things she found regarding red and blue lists and FEMA caskets? She's got a blog up on myspace and if you look at my comments page you will easily be able to pick her out. It's sad because we had been friends since 7th grade....but hooo-eeee she found the squirrel pills a little too much to her liking....