
Jul 08, 2005 23:11

I'm not sure where that title came from but whatever. I'm just going to copy off of Roseann for now...

TEN random things about me:

10. I'm going to a wedding tomorrow with a guy that I like.

9. I have about 1050 CDs.

8. I don't think I have any respect for Chris Caraba anymore.

7. The book I'm currently reading is called "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close"

6. I like the book.

5. I think that John Mayer is my soulmate.

4. If I had $100 trillion and could do what I like, I would open a surf shop in Hawaii and listen to music all day long.

3. I have 3 instruments and can't play any of them.

2. My birthday is in 1 week.

1. I am procrastinating writing a paper that I have due tomorrow.

NINE ways to win my heart:

9. Look me in the eyes.

8. Recommend a great CD to me.

7. Talk to me about crazy off the wall things and don't judge me when I take it in a weird direction.

6. Accept me as I am and don't try and change me.

5. Listen to what I recommend to you, I wouldn't lie to you.

4. Make me a CD (I'm keeping this one)

3. Forgive me when I get too damn drunk and act like a fool.

2. Love music (I'm keeping this one too)

1. MAKE ME LAUGH (and this one too, thanks Rosie)

EIGHT things I wanna do before I die:

8. Fall in love again.

7. Get out of the country.

6. Get our of the house.

5. Meet musicians that inspire me, maybe take their picture or write something about them and have others see or read it.

4. Stop watching TV.

3. Practice Buddhism for real.

2. Learn to play one or all of the instruments that I own.

1. Experience LIFE!!!

SEVEN things that annoy me:

7. George Dubya

6. The state of the world.

5. Ignorant people.

4. People who think that Good Charlotte and Simple Plan are a) good bands b) bands c) punk rock.

3. People that don't accept others for not being cut from a mold.

2. Religious extremists.

1. People who insist that I have something wrong with me because I have so many CDs. We all have our passions. At least its not a collection of over 1050 dead bodies.

SIX things I wish for:

6. Someone to love me for real.

5. To find some kind of job that will fuel my life and make me happy.

4. To mend past relationships that didn't end well.

3. My brain to stop eating me alive.

2. Recognition as a smart person.

1. To feel compassion and find nirvana.

FIVE things I am afraid of:

5. Leaving this world alone.

4. Never finishing school.

3. My brothers dieing.

2. Needles.

1. Judgement; on me and from me.

FOUR of my favorite items in my room

4. All of my CDs.

3. My cameras.

2. My Books.

1. My Jack Johnson posters.

THREE things I do everyday:

3. Listen to music.

2. Watch TV.

1. Think too damn much.

TWO things I want to do right now:

2. Turn up my stereo really loud (Citizen Cope is the shit!!!!)

1. Call Kevin.

ONE person I want to see right now:
1. Philip.
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