May 27, 2008 07:24
I have heard about most people being homeless because of hospital bills from people like Michael Moore. I never thought it was true though. That was until, I had a sheriff deliver me some papers saying that High Point Regional is taking me to court because of a bill that I acquired a year and a half ago for a kidney stone. The bill is between $4,500 - $5,000. I'm sitting here with nearly 2 hours left till I have to be at court. I've been told that I should ask for a continence and a court ordered lawyer. So I'm wondering if my life is going to be over before it starts. I think back to all the times I knew in my life that I was going to die before I turn 30. Maybe if I ended things a lot longer ago I wouldn't have had this problem. I have desperately wanted to on many occasions. I've attempted it once. The reason why I am so open about my attempt at this moment,... well I guess it's because I'm not sure how things are going to go today in court. If things turn or the worse, I don't see any other options for me. The worse they could so (apparently) is freeze my bank accounts. Then I'll be totally fucked. I'm not really sure what else to say. I'm just sitting here wanting time to just stop and leave me alone to myself. For anyone who knows me, if the worst happens... well I'm going to be crawling up in a shell of anti-socialism. It's not just because I don't want to talk about it. It's because I've given up hope on life. I've been dealt a lot of shit and I feel that I could take no more.