035 // [video] // The .ic tag is a lie.

Jun 28, 2011 22:10

[ Sofia loves her new role. She loves it so much, she's even trying to dress the part with an outfit that (so far) is in perfectly unstained/-bloodied/-charred condition.

Her glasses sit on her face all nice, uncracked and proper and her hair, while not woven into an intricate toilet paper roll, is at least looking kempt and held in place by two little combs.

Okay, so her plasmid scars are still intact and she is getting rid of the old regular's stuff by burning it while making a video transmission, but surely you can forgive the smoking file cabinet behind her - after all she's still learning!

Right now she's sitting on her desk in her office, ready for her first transmission as the one and only genuine Doctor Sofia Lamb. She clears her throat for her grand performance. ]

I, Doctor Sofia Lamb, shall be making house calls from now on.

[ She pauses, contemplating the announcement. Pleased with the sound of it she continues: ]

The calls will, of course, be unscheduled and mandatory.

I would also like to encourage you to make use of the clinic, should you be in need of further injuries.

That is all. [ She grins broadly into the camera. ] Thank you.

[[OOC: Replies by screamsofutopia. Warnings for all the violence and drug abuse, combat sadomasochism, incoherence and a tvtropes link.]]

.ic, the, psychopathrist, [c.] shinjiro aragaki, [c.] komaba hajime, fire solves everything, [c.] miguel, [c.] elaine belloc, well. this is normal, [c.] mirror!mark meltzer

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