Randomness fueled by the insomnia bunny...named Fredwin...the third

Jan 30, 2007 02:44

And sleep eludes me once again...

I tried to sleep for half an hour, but when I woke up for the 7th time I decided that it was time to call it quits...not because I am not tired or anything, simply because I am exhausting myself even more by trying to sleep because every time I wake up it is because I am jolted awake in a panic. Once I woke up and I was taking a swing at thin air and then another time I woke up and saw someone from my dream (some random I can't remember now...scary looking fella though) standing at the end of my bed for like 5 minutes...now that shit is scary!

Anyway now follows an insomnia fueled random questionnaire for you my lovely readers to fill out in the comments section...
  1. Can you remember the names of the Ninja Turtles? (extra points if you can remember which one goes with which colour, even more extra points if you can remember the rat dude's name)
  2. Can you sing the Captain Planet theme song off by heart?
  3. Have you caved into the trend and gotten a MySpace?
  4. Have you ever played a dating sim?
  5. What do you think we will see in the future? (in terms of technology or the way the world is run etc.)
  6. What is the one thing you most want to do before you die?
  7. Did you used to watch Cheeze TV in the mornings (or rather any morning cartoon show) and what was your favourite cartoon they would show?
  8. Is it too damn hot?
  9. Do you shower every day? Come on guys be honest on this one!
  10. What is your favourite Simpsons quote?
  11. What is the weirdest thing you have seen this week?
  12. Have you ever used an online dating service? (or sex service...or signed up a friend or some one who pisses you off just for shits and giggles)
  13. How many unread emails have you got in your inbox right now?
  14. Do you use MSN messenger?
  15. Can you change a lightbulb?
  16. What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
  17. Do you ever read the 'Terms of Use' deal on pages that you sign up to?
I saw some woman on this real life ER show (she was obviously frigging mental) she came in and kept going "I've got worms in me!" they looked at her arms and thighs and she had cut holes in them, peeled up a few layers of skin to make a pouch and had about 20 earthworms in each...she had named them all and from the looks of it they had been there awhile because her skin was going black in those areas.


worms, insomnia, sleeping, random, quiz, earthworms

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