Drabble: University

Jan 24, 2017 22:14

Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: none
Notes: For primeval100: challenge 507: University.


Becker looked around and sighed. The anomaly had opened in the middle of the campus, right next to the student union, making containment difficult and the scrutiny rather unsettling as the group of students tried to film it on their phones.

“I’ll help the lads round up the raptors, you’ve got them,” he told Danny, indicating with distaste to the crowd.

“I’d prefer the raptors,” Danny argued. Then he smiled. “I’ve got a better idea… CONNOR!”

As Connor appeared, Becker issued instructions for him to manage the crowd, ignoring the lad’s protests as he and Danny made a quick getaway.


tv: primeval, fiction: drabble, fiction: gen

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