Jun 08, 2011 20:07
I have learned two things this week. One that I can survive on 3-5 hours of sleep per night for about a week but by day six things get seriously rocky. Today, by the way, is day six.
Two, that my new foster kitty Kimmy does not handle change well. And by "not well" I don't mean Pye-level feak-outs, which is good, rather an inability to settle down and a good deal of whining. See I had the brilliant idea to shift her into my room last night so that she'd a) have a bit more space to move around in and b) get more time with me. As it happens she desires neither and by one in the morning I'd finally gotten that through my thick head and gave in to reality.
Yet again I'm reminded that fighting how the world really is in an effort to make it the way I want it to be is a losing proposition.
insomnia sucks