Mar 18, 2010 11:25
Oh man, Tuesday, Yeah. I was kinda insane. I walked to work. It's a little less than 2 miles. In the morning time. See, setting your alarm clock for an hour before you have to go... only works when the last chance alarm had also been set ahead an hour for Daylight Savings. It wasn't. So I didn't wake up until 15 mins before I wanted to leave. I ended up leaving 15 mins late.
For some reason, the distance seemed much longer than walking around the block 3 times. I think it's because I wasn't sure how much further the goal was. It was an okay walk, but I don't think I'll be doing that a lot in the future. It just seemed to stretch on for awhile. Maybe more towards the end of the summer (depending on the weather). I hope we have a fairly mild summer.
But I also got a cellphone! Yay! So now I'm ... kinda set for Saturday. I still need to figure out what else I need. I'll find out tomorrow though, I think my body is still adjusting for Daylight Savings because I'm making myself get up at 10 (instead of the oh so wonderful time of 11 like my body wants)... so I'm still pretty half-awake. Not awake enough not miss something.
Wooo, but other then that, i haven't walked since Tuesday. I thought about doing a workout video this morning, and really, I probably should have, but now that I'm finally feeling a bit more awake...there's not enough time x_x but tomorrow I'll make up for it.
Ughh, I'm losing focus again. x_x oh well, I'm out.