Free Again, At Least For Now

Aug 25, 2008 12:52

What a week I've been having. I've been to Jail twice this week. Granted both times I could have stopped it, but was not thinking and being rash. The first time was for an Assult charge and an old warrent that has been out on me for some time, which I didn't really know about. They let me out on one hell of a bail, 50,000$. Then they dropped the charge down and I would have only had to pay 5000$ if I had stayed in jail for another day. Not liking jail, and not knowing they'd drop the bail we paid it quick and got me out. The other time I was actually in jail for three days. This time it was for breaking a No Contact Order that niether me or Philip want. After being there from Friday morning through Sunday night, they let me out saying they weren't going to press charges on that violation. All in all I've missed one full week of work which will hurt me in the pocketbook.

Later today or tomorrow morning, I'm going to find out my when I work next week and call to get in to see a head doctor and an anger management class. Both will not only help in my upcoming case, but will also have a personal lasting change. They are something that I've needed to do for some time now, and it's taken this situation to me, and for me to be at this stage of my life to actually listen to the people that have been suggesting this for some time, and to listen to myself for once.

Today, I've been cleaning. Attempting to be somewhat productive, and also thankful that I'm not waiting to see a Judge still. I'm trying to decide how I want to set up what was the office to become my bedroom. It will involve moving the desk to the otherside of the room I think, but that won't be such a bad think, accept for the fact that I have always hated how my computer screens can be seen from the doorway, but with a little placement I could make that a non-issue.

The Convention starts tonight. While I know that the coverage will be boring, I'm excited for this one. I'll be working on the days Biden and Obama will be speaking, but thankfully the Tivo will catch every moment for me to watch and debate. I watched, via youtube, Biden and Obama speaking the other day. I thought that the words Biden said were very well put together, but he might need to work on his speaking style a bit here and there, making some slips along the way. But standing next to Barack, who is a very impressive speaker, it will seem hard to not make mistakes along the way. We're gearing up for the final leg of the race and this week in Denver should kick us off to a great running start over the GOP and it's aged nomination.

On a side, I think it's very good that the DEMS are putting Clinton's name on the ballot of the floor to mark how well she did this election season. Winning 23 contests is simply amazing for a Women, since not one has won more than one in the past ever.

I've been a firm believer that bad things happen in three, and I've had three now, the ending of my relationship(at least in the boyfriend sense of what it was) and being sent to jail twice. Things have got to be looking up for me from now on.

obama, personal, clinton, jail, cleaning, court, relationship, biden, office

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