Calling all firebreathers, fire-spinners, jugglers, and performers of Derring-Do!

Apr 20, 2012 07:22

It's getting to be time for Or It Didn't Happen Photography to make its debut, and I still need some crazy things to put into the gallery! So, to that end, if you are a performer of stunts-be it unicycling, juggling, fire-spinning, fire-breathing, sword-swallowing, BASE jumping, trick-riding (horses, bicycles, motorcycles, etc.), mountain climbing, or even professional stuntwork-please let me know so that I can talk to you about photographing your act.

IMPORTANT: Please not that I will only work with performers who follow all safety precautions for their chosen stunt. No rank amateurs* are allowed, and no claims of "Oh, I've done this hundreds of times; I don't need safety procedures" will fly with me. I'll photograph some crazy stuff, but I will not have anyone's death or injury on my hands!

So . . . if you have an act that could fall into the category of "derring-do", let me know, and we'll work out a deal. Thanks!


EDIT: *There's a difference, however, between a rank amateur and a beginner. Even if you're not very good yet at what you do, as long as you make sure that you practice safely, that's enough for me. By "no rank amateurs", I mean no one who just does it on a dare or for the thrill of it. One reads about those kinds of people all the time in the Darwin Awards.

help!, photography, performing, or it didn't happen, promotion

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