Jan 10, 2005 23:53
Name: Ana
Age: 16
Birthday: June 2
Siblings: Katy Rose, 20 (so old!)
Favorite Color: dark green, the sort of bluish but not quite turquoise one
Favorite Sport: Football. I really like bowling though
Favorite Bands: I'm lame about music.
Favorite Food: Smartfood popcorn, so addictive. Caesar salad. Pomegranates
How many relationships have you been in? : Real relationships, or does middle school count? I've dated 2 people that I thought I was in love with out the time, so I guess 2.
Do you regret any of them : No, neither of those. There are people who I dated briefly (frosh year, older guys, bad news) that I regret, but I guess I learned from those experiences, too. Getting out of the liking bad boys phase was a good things
Do you believe in love?: Absolutely. I think that loving the people around you is fundamental to being content in life. I do, however, think that the distinction between romantic love and platonic love with passion is a lot more ambiguous, and therefore less romantic, than people would like to think. I don't know what I think of the theory of true love, it seems sort of sappy and overly sentimental to think that there's only one person in the world that I'm meant for. Besides, what happens if I don't find that person. And that whole theory completely discounts the fact that people change, and what might be perfect for you at one point can suddenly not be right anymore. Wow, that was quite a rant. I have felt love, and felt I was in love, before.
Do you believe in long distance relationships? : Currently, no, but I guess that's because for me to believe in that would be unproductive, considering circumstances, and overly idealistic. I think that if a relationship is strong enough, it can survive distance, but it's impractical and best just to put things on hold. I'm speaking hypothetically, of course.
Who is your best friend?: I don't know, I have lots of friends who I tell lots of different things to. Brenna knows me better than anyone, I think, except maybe Katy, but sisters don't count. I'm being really emo and anti-social lately, so I don't really know
Do you currently have a crush? : I always have crushes, usually on inaccessible guys, especially those with girlfriends. It's fun.
Ever been out of the country? : Yes. Canada, Italy, Switzerland, France. I really want to expand that list though.
Ever made out? : Yes
Ever had sex ?: um...
Every drank alcohol? : Yep
Have you ever moved? : Yes. When I was two and a half we moved from my first house, in Berkeley, to an apartment across the street while we sold that house. I've lived at my current house since the Easter before my third birthday.
Who are the people you miss most from where you moved from? : We had the coolest neighborhood ever. I was the baby of everyone. All the other kids are now in their mid to late twenties, and they're getting married and stuff. it's crazy. It was fun being the baby, and having lots of surrogate brothers and sisters all the time. Also, all the adults on the street were cool berkeley hippies and artists. They're all relaly talented. We still see them all the time though, adn go to their block parties, and winter solstice parties (so berkeley!). My parents still haven't quite accepted that we live in the suburbs....
Who is your celebrity crush? : Gael Garcia Bernal. Motorcycle Diaries. Y Tu Mama Tambien. I don't care if Bad Education is NC-17 and he's cross-dressing and having gay sex in it, I want to see him. He's the most amazingly beautiful person in the entire world.
Who is your gay/lesbian crush?: Angelina Jolie. Brenna and I aren't lesbians, and we still fight over her. She's fucking gorgeous. I get upset when people say other people are hotter than her. It's unacceptable.
Kerry or Bush : Anyone who knows me knows my answer, sore subject, and it's sort of a moot point now anyway.
Coke or Pepsi : Yucky. So bad for your teeth. Odwalla tangerine juice. Or Starbucks.
Drugs or Sex : Sex, I suppose. But everything in moderation, and promiscuity is bad