Apr 19, 2008 13:01
I'm not sure what you wish people; Happy Pesach? It's not exactly the happiest holiday.
Not least because I've been rereading this section of the Torah and- guess what? Pharoh didn't actually choose to say No to Moses' request to let my people go...God put Pharoh's answer into his head so that "I might prove my power and mightiness." He apparently killed the first born....to prove His power.
I'm choosing to overlook that charming portion of the Torah. I don't agree with 90% of that book anyway; I think the Book of Esther is a helluva lot nicer. But Passover's modern connotation now, with the removal of chametz (leavened bread, and its ingredients) from the house, representing the removal of all "puffiness", i.e. arrogance from one's soul. Aw. Isn't that nice? I'll be a little stir crazy this week not having bread but I'm sure it focuses the mind wonderfully.
Pesach Tov, I guess would be more appropriate, though I don't know if one says that. I'll go and sweep out some chametz now. You know, I've even done work and I've met up with a couple of friends this week so I'm pleased with myself. Not looking forward to going back to lessons next week, but it'll be always lovely to see my friends for what is, essentially, our final 3 weeks of school.