Hey guys, it's Rachel. FIRST OFF, I want to apologize for what was initially a week-long hiatus turning into well over a month. That was definitely not my intention at all.
Second, unfortunately, I'm going to have to leave the game. Things aren't going great for me, and I just don't have the motivation anymore to keep up with things here. I can't seem to brain for anything and that's not fair to the characters I write and it's especially not fair to everyone I have CR with. I am going to miss every single one of you SO MUCH, and I want you all to know that it has been amazing getting to play with you. These have been two fantastic years for me and my characters and I have had such a blast. If any of you still want to keep up with me my personal journal is still
likewinning, or you can find me on Twitter @weirdriddles.
This affects Dean Winchester, Debra Morgan, Anya, and Sirius Black.
I love you guys. Good luck with everything here. <3