A number of things!

May 26, 2011 17:40

Hey, Rifters! It's your friendly modthing Ella here, and as always, I like updating and giving announcements in brackets, so here we go.

-First order of business is to thank you all for your amazing involvement in the latest two game-wide plots. The Subconscious post and the Apocalypse post have had great reception. Don't be afraid to backtag things if you still want to involve yourself in either or both! We're all a backtagging friendly bunch. Our next game-wide post will be much lighter, we promise.

-Secondly, and please read this guys, I need your opinion on it: dchan gave us a great suggestion regarding plot memes. This Friday I'm putting up the monthly plotting meme for June, to get those creative juices flowing. However, she also suggested the possibility of posting another meme in the Rift Cafe on a monthly basis which would basically function as a way for us to discuss what our characters have been up to. Things other characters might need to know, or would like to be aware of, or just to discuss how that might impact the game. We can't always read every thread in the game and we don't always have the time to catch up by reading it all. With this meme, we'd basically give others the cliff notes version of what our characters have been up to.

Would you guys be interested in something like that? Thoughts and suggestions are always welcome!

-Thirdly, I'm going to have to put my bossy mod hat on. I don't like to, but I must for my anal tendencies, and all-around tagging order within the game. Some people are great about tagging their posts whenever they write their characters into a post or make a post of their own. But I've noticed plenty aren't. Please remember to do this. The tagging system is there for a reason.

rules, announcement, reminder, mod

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