Apr 19, 2006 17:15
Hello everybody!!
I hardly ever write in this anymore - I think I might start up again, as long as I don't start making posts that have "I hate you and f*** you and you suck and i want you to die" as the entirety of their content. If I turn into one of those people, please hit me. If you are one of those people who tends to make nonspecific, teen-angsty posts that have no point, no purpose, and no possibility for the eventual development of either, then I really don't like you. In fact, I hate you.
Aww, I'm just joshin'. I love you anyway.
no. no i don't.
Anyway, it's recently come to my attention that some people used to read my LJ to keep up with me - basically, people I don't see anymore but I'm still friends with, but not good enough friends for them to e-mail me. Or something like that.
So, because I'm a super-nice person, I shall comply with the request that I return to my former LJ habits. Meaning: HA! Y'all have to deal with my randomness more often.
And now for the main event: a summary. For those of you who are too lazy to e-mail.
Prom's in three days! I know I'm supposed to be a jaded, bored-with-life type teenager, but I can't. I'm only seventeen! If I become so blase (grr. can't do stress marks) at this point in my life, what's going to happen to me later on? So I've decided I'll be as excited about these things as I want. Humph.
For anyone who doesn't already know, I'm going to Mercer next year. Got a decent scholarship, which was exciting. I'm glad I'll be close to home and close to my friends, who are mostly staying in Georgia.
I still hate my English class and, in fact, every class that Mrs. Freeman doesn't teach. King MacDuff's not too bad. Oh, I talked to the guys in my class: they thought the Berlin Wall idea was fantastic. We ("we" meaning myself and Erin) decided that we ought to have a planning meeting at some point, possibly the day of the AP History test.
You know what's suprising? When I talk to folks I used to be friends with, an oft-received question is, "Do you still wear mismatched socks?" Answer: Yes. Yes I do. Stop asking; you sound like an idiot.
Graduation's soon! I'm excited about the concept, but the actual ceremony? Not so much. I have to hear people who occupy my thoughts only when I'm feeling particularly vindictive and bloodthirsty speak. And by "people," I mean "person." And by "person"...you all know who I mean. Even apart from having to sit submissive while Little Miss Perfect accosts me with her diarrhea of the mouth, graduation will STILL be boring. I care about very few people who are graduating this year, relative to the number of people who will be in attendance. But hearing Brittany Utting attempt to muster up some school spirit should be entertaining at least.
Speaking of things I don't want to go to, I have a calculus practice-AP-test party to attend. Party, indeed.
'Til tomorrow. Or maybe later tonight. I might just be that bored.